Has the new hair-dyed DIY video, using the 20 volume developer left you amazed? Or are you a newbie wanting to experiment with your hair using volume developer alone to lighten those dark hair strands, wondering can 20 volume developers lighten hair by themselves?
Each of its volumes consists of different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide used to lift the outer layer of our hair in order for the hair dye to pigment the hair.
Using the 20 volume developer alone will affect your hair color but it will be a slight change, like going a lighter shade of your original hair color. Read on to get enlightened about the lightning effects of 20 volume developers.
Can 20 Volume Developer Lighten Hair By Itself?
The Answer is simple Yes! Surely, 20 Volume developer can lighten your hair by itself about Level 1 if use it without bleach. Basically, Volume developer is a hair lifting and lightening agent consisting of hydrogen peroxide which comes in different volumes you usually found along within your hair dye box. Ranging in developer volume of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50.
When Should you Use a 20 Volume Developer by Itself?
If you are looking to just dye your hair a shade lighter than your original hair color then using a 20 volume developer alone is a viable choice. The 20 volume developer contains around 6% of hydrogen peroxide that lifts the hair cuticle, which is the upper layer of your hair to the extent that it lightens your hair by one level.
For our hesitant beginners out there rather than an absolute change to your hair color you can now go a shade lighter with just a 20 volume developer without exposing your hair to bleach.
Using chemicals on your hair and scalp can be damaging therefore, another advantage to using 20 volumes alone is to minimize the damage. Since it lifts the hair to a lower extent in comparison to higher volumes. Its use is found less damaging.
We recommend using the cream version of volume developer since it lightens as well as moisturizes your hair. So, no need to bleach your already damaged hair just to go a shade lighter.
How to Lighten Hair with a 20 Volume Developer?
The first thing you want to do is select the kind of volume developer you will be used to lighten those locks. You can easily find developers in the form of liquid, cream, and gel. Personally, we would recommend you to use cream developers due to its consistency. Since you will DIY the process, using the cream developer will be easier for you to manage because of its smooth and creamy texture. Next up are the ingredients. All you need is a bowl to contain the developer, two plastic gloves, a shower cap, a hair dyeing brush, some hair clips to hold the hair, and a comb. Make sure your hair is dry and clean before you start to apply the developer.
Now that you have the ingredients ready brush your hair and equally part them into 5 - 6 portions. Parting the hair equally will help you to apply the developer easily and evenly on your hair.
Use the hair dye brush to apply the volume developer on your hair, make sure you apply the developer below two inches from your hair roots, away from your scalp to mitigate any chemical reaction or damage to your hair roots and scalp.
After completely applying the developer on your hair, cover your hair using a shower cap and leave it for about 20 to 30 minutes. After waiting for the recommended time rinse your hair thoroughly using shampoo and conditioner.
What Does 20 Volume Developer Do?
The 20 volume developer is the most commonly used hair dye agent to lift the hair cuticles (outer layer of hair) to activate the hair dye onto the hair cortex (second layer of hair) changing the permanent color of your hair.
Since it contains around 6% of hydrogen peroxide it is less damaging in comparison to other higher volumes of developer and is optimum when used with hair dye and bleach for the desired results.
It is also known for better coverage of grey hair and the optimum volume to be used in combination with bleach to dye your hair as it is lower in hydrogen peroxide concentration in comparison to higher levels which leaves minimal chemical damage to the scalp and hair.
The 20 volume developer can also be used solely on the hair since it is an oxidizing and bleaching agent itself it can also be used to lighten the color of your hair.
The change would be slight but if you are looking to go a shade lighter without the use of bleach and chemicals then using the 20 volume developer just to go a shade lighter would be less damaging to the hair.
How Long Do you Leave 20 Developers in your Hair?
The longest you can leave the developer onto your hair is for around 30 minutes of time. The recommended time limit is around 20 minutes.
After you have applied the developer onto your hair, set the clock for about 20 minutes and check your hair after 20 minutes have passed. If you have not reached the required tone, you can leave it for about 10 more minutes. After that rinse, your hair properly with shampoo and conditioner.
Leaving the developer for an extended period of time can damage your hair resulting in dryness and breakage. So, make sure you keep it on your hair for not more than the recommended time.
How to Take Care of your Hair After Lightening it with a 20 Volume Developer?
Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize my friends! The use of developer on your hair might leave them to seem drier and frizzier. Therefore, it would be best to minimize the frequent use of shampoo and stick to conditioning your hair instead.
You can also use keratin treatment once a week or simply use coconut oil, argon oil, or aloe gel against the lifting of cuticles to smoothen the hair.
Moreover, try to air dry your hair as much as you can and avoid using heat on your hair which can potentially damage your hair. Another tip is to stay away from using any harsh chemicals on your hair including hair dye, volume developer, or bleach for at least 3 to 4 weeks.
How Much 20 Volume Developer to Mix with Hair Color?
The mixing of 20 volume developer and hair color ranges from ratios 1:1, 1:1.5, or 1:2 depending upon the product. In case you are using products from the same company it is better to follow the instructions given on the products for mixing them. But the commonly preferred mixing ratio by hairstylists is 1:1 ratio, requiring equal part color and equal part of volume development. For example, if you are taking 5 ounces of hair color you are going to mix 5 ounces of volume developer making a ratio of 1:1.
Frequently Asked Question And Answers (FAQs)
Question # 01: Can I use a developer to lighten my hair?
Answer: Yes, you can use the volume developer itself to lighten your hair. The developer will not have too strong an effect on your hair color, but your hair will become a slightly lighter shade of your original hair color.
So, if you are looking to experiment in making your hair look a lighter shade, using the volume developer would be a viable choice. The recommended volume of developers would be volume 20 or 30. This will also cause less damage in comparison, due to the absence of using bleach to go a shade lighter.
Question # 02: What does a hair developer do by itself?
Answer: Basically, a volume developer is a hair lifting and lightening agent consisting of hydrogen peroxide which comes in different volumes, ranging in developer volume of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50.
Each of its volumes consists of different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide used to lift the outer layer of our hair in order for the hair dye to pigment your hair. Using a volume developer alone can also affect your hair color but it will be very slight like going a shade lighter than your original hair color.
Question # 03: How to lighten hair with developer and shampoo?
Answer: Before you plan on using the developer and shampoo together make sure to prep your hair beforehand in order to take it on this mixture journey. You can use olive oil or coconut oil for strengthening your hair cuticles before lifting them due to the use of a developer.
Next, you need moisturizing shampoo the amount you generally use to wash your hair would be enough for the process and mix 1-2 tablespoons of 10 or 20 volume developer, make sure to stick with the lighter volumes of the developer since they have a lower tendency to damage your hair, you can also add a tablespoon of conditioner as well for smoothening of your hair.
Your hair must be damp before you apply the mixture and also make sure to test it for any allergic reaction before using it. After you have evenly applied the mixture same as you apply the dye in your hair let it sit for about 15 minutes and then rinse it with cold water.
The mixture will not give a drastic change to your hair it will only fade out or lighten the color you already have. Making it look a shade lighter. Make sure you oil your hair at least twice a week to repair the lifting of hair cuticles and use a conditioner to smoothen your hair after using the mixture.
Question # 04: Will 40 volume developer lighten hair by itself?
Answer: 40 volume developers is off-limits ladies! If you are not an expert do not opt into using this volume developer without consultation just to lighten your hair.
Even without bleach 40 volume developer is too strong since it contains around 12% of hydrogen peroxide that alone could damage your hair causing it to break and become frizzy or worst you might end up with spaghetti hair.
The properties of hydrogen peroxide present in volume 40 will lighten your hair to a shade lighter than what you can achieve with using volume 20 or 30 but using it will cause too much damage that is not worth the risk.
Question # 05: Will the developer lighten hair without bleach?
Answer: Developer consists of hydrogen peroxide and comes in ranges from 5, 10, 20 30, 40, and 50, these volumes contain different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, the higher the volume the higher the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is present in the developer.
The developer can lighten your hair without bleach. Since it is a bleaching agent and oxidizer itself. The results you get will not be very prominent, but you can go a shade lighter than your original hair color and the effect will not be as strong as you can get using the bleach.
Question # 06: Can 30 volume developer lighten hair by itself?
Answer: The 30 volume developer consists of around 9% of hydrogen peroxide. This chemical itself is a bleaching agent and oxidizer. So, yes 30 volume developer can lighten your hair by itself.
But this lightning effect alone will not be enough for you to change the color of your hair. All the volume developer alone can do is leave your hair a shade or two lighter. If you plan on getting your hair to become from dark brown to blond you need to mix bleach with the developer to get the desired results.
Since it is higher in the concentration of hydrogen peroxide it will give your hair a higher lift leaving it dry and frizzy. We do not recommend it if you are not an expert and have damaged hair.
Question # 07: Can you dye hair with just a developer?
Answer: No, you cannot dye your hair by just using a developer. The purpose of using a developer is to open the outer layer of your hair known as a hair cuticle, making a way for the hair dye to enter onto the hair cortex to give you the desired shade of color.
Using the developer solely on your hair will only lighten your hair color to a lighter shade of your original hair color but will not properly dye your hair. For having proper dyed hair, you need to use a developer in combination with bleach and hair dye to get the desired result.
Yes using 20 volume developers alone can lighten your hair. The main purpose of the developer is to lift the outer layer of our hair known as the cuticle in order for the hair dye to enter and reach over the second layer known as the hair cortex.
The volume developer comes in different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, the higher the volume the higher the lifting of the hair cuticle. The most commonly known volume ranges are 10, 20, 30, and 40. 20 volume developers are most commonly used by hairstylists to dye hair since it has a lower damage ratio in comparison to the higher volumes.
But using the developer alone will not bring a prominent change to the color of your hair, you won’t go from being dark brown to blond using the volume developer alone.
In case you are looking to experiment for a slight change to your original hair color then using a 20 volume developer will be a viable choice. Since it will bring about a lighter shade of your original hair without using any hair dye or bleaching chemical.
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Will volume 40 developer lighten hair by itself