Hey girls! Are you looking for something wavy and stylish? The old and classic perms! I know the woman who has curly or kinky hair gets fed up with all these rough and lifeless ringlets. They want something wavy and voluminous. But the question arises “Can you perm curly hair to wavy?” Will your rough and dry hair carry those waves for some time or not?
The answer is Big YES, you can perm curly hair to make it wavy. However, the perm may not be as successful if your hair is already wavy. If you have curly hair, you can use a perm to make your curls looser and more defined. If you have very tight curls, a perm may make your hair too wavy.
We will try to answer all these questions and solve the riddles about getting your hair perm or not. If you have lack knowledge about getting your hair perm is just a simple and easy job, then you need to understand the process of perming. It is an undeniable fact that curly hair is lacking in moisture and softness.
This hair needs extra care and oiling to make them lifelike otherwise it will start to look like a rough bush. Women get fed up with their unsettled and lifeless hair. They think that perm can be something amazing and defining to their hair.
What is Perm and Can You Perm Curly Hair to Wavy?

But guys! Before going into further details of how can we do our hairs perm and what hair type is suitable for it, let’s understand perm first.
Perm is a long process in which your hair is to be coiled iron rods for a long time and then the perming solution is applied to it. This perming solution is too risky for your hair as it can open the pores of your hair. It can snatch the moisture of your scalp to an indescribably dangerous extent. And if you think that you are not someone who is crazy about your hair care, then don’t try to experience it.
The use of ammonium thioglycolate makes this solution too thick to swell your hair to get volume. When you look at
Jennifer Lopez with such wavy, silky, and voluminous hair, you start to wish the same waves for your hair.
But stop! You have to think that what can be the consequences of getting through this perming procedure. The hair that is much rough and kinky will become more dry, dull, and frizzy. The way you try to convert your hair into something new and wavy can be somewhat harmful to them. The process of rolling and wrapping on iron is not that much easy now as you think it might be.
These iron rods emit infrared rays that can damage the hair texture badly. It breaks the original and natural structure of your hair down with the heavy chemical perm solution that enables your hair to carry some volume and silk. It is not a matter of one or two days. It is a prolonged process of a minimum of 4 to 5 months during which you need to wash your hair less to maintain your stylish look.
Now after understanding the process of perm, it is your turn to decide whether you are still on the way to do this experiment. If you are curious to get more information then also read,
Will my perm get curlier after I wash it?
What Is the Term “Wavy Perm?”
With the advancement in technology, fashion meanings and techniques also get modified and developed. The term
’80s that had become out of date and worn out has adopted brand new stylish perms today. It gives you not that rough and stiff hair curls but a sleek wavy look to your hair. Why do people think these
“wavy perm” look more acceptable and adaptable? It is because of the latest technology that reduces the use of iron rods and makes perm easy for all.
It makes your curly hair look more wavy and manageable. This is the reason women especially women with curls are inclining towards getting perms rapidly.
Women must have enough knowledge about the hair type they possess. It will help the much to decide about their perms. We know curly hair is of three types
Kinky Hair: This is the tightest and small ringlets of curls. It is not easy to get them perm to have some wavy and silky look. But if we try to do so, we must be aware of the dryness and frizz that we can face after getting our hair.
Curly Hair: Curly hair is an S-shaped hair structure. This hair is not as stiff as the first one and not too soft to carry some waves. But still, this hair type also has chances to get frizz if it undergoes the process of perm.
Wavy Curl: This hair type is the softest, shining, and silky type of curl. It Is not that curl to carry full tight ringlets. But we can’t say that these hairs are open to perm without damage. The silk makes them prone to frizz and dry.
Still, there are better opportunities in this perm process to have your rough and tough hair making it more wavy and full of volume. Your hair locks will become more defined and manageable. All you need to know is whether you are going to keep your permed hair cared for and controlled.
Your hair can look healthier and carry volume because of the chemicals it carries in it. But you must be ready for the hair breakage and hair dryness. The waves that look too glamorous and trendy have to pay the price. You will have to look after your hair in a better way before and after your wavy perms.
Perm Curly Hair Before and After

It is an obvious fact that our hair shafts get swollen after getting a perm. The reason is quite simple hair has to undergo a chemical and infrared process. This process gives your hair a full definition and volume. These chemicals can make your hair porous and open to swell.
I know curly hair women get fed up with their dull and lifeless hair. They want something to change in their exposure. Perm is a good idea for them to get a positive change. But they should be aware of the condition and state of their hair before and after perming.
Does and Don’ts before Getting Curly hair Perm
- If you have decided to perm your curly hair, you must have to be more careful and take precautions before getting your hair perm.
- You must have to consult an expert hairstylist to know about how your hair is healthier and stronger
- Try to provide your hair with the best possible hair treatments like hair conditioning and hair masking
- You have to practice perming before getting your hair open to perm. If you try this process on some of your hair strands, it will prove fruitful for you
- If you have planned to get a perm for your curly hair, you should avoid the use of chemicals before getting it done. All the gels, shampoos, custards, sprays, and serums must not be used before perming your curly hair
- As soon as you have decided to perm your curly mane, you should avoid water exposure. As we know curly hair lack moisture. Use of water, again and again, will snatch the remaining moisture and oil from your hair.
Does and Don’ts after Getting Curly hair Perm
- Don’t try to touch your hair almost for 48 hours after getting a curly hair perm
- Don’t try to wash your permed hair at least for 48 hours otherwise, all the chemicals will wash away before settling down
- Sun rays will prove damaging for your newly perm curls so avoid facing sum. If necessary to go under the sun, wear a scarf.
- Use shampoo and conditioners that are specially made for chemically treated hair
- Try to condition your hair as much as possible to regain hair strength because the chemicals of perming solution can damage your hair badly
- Try to keep your hair free or if necessary, wear a loose ponytail so that it may not damage your perms
- Don’t color your hair as the hair color chemicals will snatch all the way, bouncy, and healthy curls from you
- Don’t forget to take touch-ups after every month because these touch-ups will help you maintain your perms for some time
- Try not to comb for at least one week after getting g your curl perm, it will let your perm settle down in an amazing way
- You have gained your perms after a great sacrifice of your hair health, so don’t damage it by using styling or drying tools like straighteners, blow driers, and curlers
Naturally Curly Hair after Perm
I know girls are worried about their coarser curly hair that doesn’t have any well-defined look. They are sick of the dry grass that can be settled by any type of conditioners or serums. It makes them do something different for their hair to look a bit stylish and wavy. If you have naturally curly hair and you need to give them some volume for some time, you have to adopt the 80’s old module of perming. Even though perming has got much development and change, still its waves and ringlets give us the scenario of the
You want to change your exposure by getting your curls a perm, you have to carefully examine your hair type thoroughly. The first thing you have to do is to do perming from your roots as mostly curly hair is straight from roots. It may lift your hair to a great extent and will give your hair more volume. If you think it is your utmost desire to get your hair some definition and silk, you should consult your hairstylist first.
He will surely tell you the exact situation of your hair and what type of perms will be going to suit your hair and personality. He will have a close idea of what things will not suit your hair. These things will greatly help you understand whether you are going to experiment with the perm on your naturally curly hair or not.
But one thing I can claim is that whether your hair carries a natural curl, it has to face brittles and breakage after getting perms process. It will weaken the shafts of your hair to a great extent. If you are a hair lover, you will surely continue to care for your hair.
Your continuous conditioning and keratin treatment can reduce the damage. The solution and neutralizer that are used to settle and enhance the
“S” of your hair are loaded with chemicals, so after its usage, your hair is prone to frizz and dryness. Your best efforts can help your scalp remain healthy and strong.
Can You Perm Your Wavy Hair?

Many curly hair women are found asking the same question whether they perm their wavy hair. If you are having wavy hair and you care about your hair and pamper them like an infant, you are sincere with them. Being too caring with your waves if you question
“can you perm your wavy hair?” is not understandable. I fairly claim to protect your hair with those dangerous infrared rays provided with the chemicals like ammonium thioglycolate. All these things will snatch the beauty of your hair.
It is the right of every woman to look stylish and up-to-date. When she moves into her friends’ circle, she wishes to be the center of focus. The ever-changing trends and styles make her adopt something new to look versatile. The latest perm technology enabled a woman to decide on her curly hair. She has now the capacity to give some volume and add definition to her hair. That’s why getting a perm to wavy hair is being popular very fast.
If you are not ready to compromise with your wavy hair that is still far better than pure curly and kinky hair, then go for it. I have observed many women who have wavy curls and look elegant sitting in a group of girls but still, they have agreed in their eyes for the hair healthier than their hair. This makes them adopt the perming process to give their hair volume and more waves.
If you are going to permit your wavy hair, just be careful. You know our hair has lacked moisture and natural oils. They are rough and frizzy. It is all your efforts that make it look brilliant. So before getting a perm session you must care about your waves extraordinarily.
Provide them all the best nourishment in form of keratin and protein treatments, deep conditioning, and massaging. It will enable your hair to face the strictness of this procedure. Similarly, after getting the perm session, the same treatments must be continued to sustain the moisture. This is the only way you can fight the side effects of getting a perm.
Reverse Perm on Naturally Curly Hair
Oh! What a misfortune! You have risked your curly hair with getting a perm session and instantly after it you feel a burden on your shoulder. You want to get rid of this chemically voluminous mane. But alas! You can’t reverse perm on your naturally curly hair instantly. It will take some time from a minimum of 5 to 6 months to reverse the action. If you are thinking of un perm your hair, you have to wait a bit.
The action is irreversible because your hair has become porous and puffy because of the perming session. It has made your hair much damaged and frizzy. All the moisture is at risk of vanishing. Your hairstylist has strictly advised you’re to provide your naturally curly hair with extra care and nourishment. Now if you have changed your mind instantly, you are again trying to risk your hair.
Be at peace buddies! You have to wait a bit to lessen the dangers of perm almost for 6 months. Many methods can make your hair reverse to your naturally curly state like permanent straightening and or rebounding. It is another chemically treated procedure in which your hair shafts are processed that much to change their nature and structure. It will be a modification in the previous structure that you have given your naturally curly hair to have some definition and volume.
But yes! If your efforts are in the right way to un perm your hair with the help of some natural things like coconut oil, canola oil, or raw Shea butter, I will appreciate your efforts. I will be surprised if anything works on your permed hair getting them reverse. If not so, just wait! Use good shampoos and conditioners every other day to settle the dispute a bit.
Try to provide every rich treatment to your hair so that it will become easy for you to reverse your hair back into curly without any further damage. If you get your hair ends trimmed, it will also work better to get your naturally curly hair back.
Can you Perm Curly Hair Straight?
Yes! It is possible to perm curly hair straight. If you have tried your curly hair a perm process to get them some waves and bounces, you have given enough risk to them. Now if you are thinking to use the perming process to make your curly hair straight, it is still a risk. We know that perming involves all the infrared rays and the use of chemically treated solutions to make your hair swell and porous. It enables your hair to look wavy and voluminous.
But if you desire to get straight silky hair, the good news is that you can go for it. The process of rebounding and permanent straightening is here to help you. Both these processes are the same with the use of chemicals and harmful rays. These processes have to change the actual structure of your hair to the level that it may adopt a brand new type and structure. You can imagine how risky it can prove for hair health that it changes the entire structure of your hair for many years and sometimes for life.
I know it will give your personality a new charisma and elegance, but you have to care for your hair a lot. The hair care natural products with protein masks can help you control the damage. There are 100% chances that your hair starts to fall and become grey speedily after this process.
Spiral Perm on Naturally Curly Hair

It is an easy thing to get your curly hair a spiral perm. I know some people get fed up with their curls and they try to gain something new with the help of perming and rebounding. But now you will be amazed that the trends are getting a new shape. The people who loved to get their hair to straighten and wavy, now inclining towards curly and spiral hair. Spiral hair is getting popular among curly hair women too. If you want to perm your hair to get the spiral look, you can do so.
The process will involve the same techniques and same perm solutions but in a different way. The rods or curlers used in this process will be small and thin. It will help your hair settle in a spiral pattern. But here still you must take extensive care of your hair so that it will be able to overcome the damage.
Spot Perm on Curly Hair
Well! I think people will uneven and rough hair have no worries anymore. The process of spot perm can help them fix their issues. It means that you choose a typical area of your hair to get the perm. It enables you to set your hair in a way that you not only look stylish but also can hide your gross hair.
The process of spot perming has the same timing and same devices as full perming involved. It will make your hair bouncy and defined but your hair has to be cared for a lot before and after making
My advice only is to give your hair extreme care before and after your hair perm treatment so that the real beautiful treasure of hair may not be damaged forever.