Are you curious about the effects of coconut oil on hair dye? Join us as we explore this popular natural remedy and its interaction with colored hair.
Coconut oil boasts a plethora of hair benefits, but can it aid in fading or removing hair dye? At Shop Videri, we've delved into the nitty-gritty of this topic to provide you with a comprehensive guide.
Whether you're looking to switch up your hair color or simply seeking ways to care for your dyed locks, our insights will shed light on the role coconut oil plays in hair care. Let's unravel the truth together!
Does Coconut Oil Remove Hair Dye?
Coconut oil is not typically used as a hair dye remover and does not have properties that would effectively strip dye from hair. While it's known for its nourishing and conditioning qualities, coconut oil works more to protect and moisturize the hair rather than remove color. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that heavy oils like coconut oil might slightly fade semi-permanent dyes over time with consistent use. But it is not a reliable method for removing hair dye quickly or thoroughly. For removing hair dye, specially formulated color removers or a visit to a professional hair stylist are more effective options.
The Working Mechanism of Hair Dye

First of all, to understand how a hair dye works, and then we will have to learn about hair structure. Most importantly, it is this human hair shaft that is basically and generally surrounded by a protective layer. This layer is given the name of cuticle and it is the most visible section of your hair.
A large number of permanent dyes come in the form of oxidative hair dyes. Their main area of functioning and theme of operations is to interlock all of the fibers of your hair cuticle.
These dyes then deposit the color right into the hair’s core. The whole color application happens as soon as ammonia or the element of diamine toluene opens up the cuticle open.
In this manner, the concerned dyes instantly react with hydrogen peroxide. This is how the color is deposited into your hair shaft.
The Strong Relation Between Coconut Oil and Hair Dye
Coconut oil does improve their hair dye and let it last for a long time. It penetrates deeper into your hair and makes its texture and overall coloring effect more nurturing enough.
Firstly, the relation between coconut oil and hair dye can be proven in a way that this oil does not allow your hair shaft to become waterlogged. You need to understand that hair dye fade away because of water presence as well. The aspect of waterlogging damage your dye!
o, to deal with this situation, you need to use and apply coconut oil to your colored hair. As soon as your hair shaft starts to become loosen up and swollen, the hair color molecules become damaged.
With the application of coconut oil, no protein is lost from your hair. This is so amazing! It is seen that protein loss takes off your hair dye. However, this situation can be tackled if you use coconut oil on your dyed hair. This oil has the tendency to lock maximum proteins in your hair.
Hair dye usually fades away when it no longer gets moisture from your hair. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer and to lock moisture in your dye hair, using this oil is the best.
Causes of Fading Hair Dye - Coconut Oil Does not Remove your Hair Dye

If the hair color is not properly applied, then that is an obvious reason that it will fade away sooner. Furthermore, the longevity aspect of your hair color totally and wholly depends on the fact how properly you have applied this dye!
Secondly, washing your hair too often and frequently is another reason that loosens and fades away from your hair dye. In addition, if you only sulfate shampoos, then there is no other chance that your hair color will remain secured on your locks for a long time.
Thirdly, constantly exposing your dyed hair to the sun and confronting it with various chemical treatments, are also evident reasons and causes that remove your hair dye.
Whenever you dye or color your hair, you need to make them damaged-free and healthy-looking. The dye can only hold itself for a longer time if is nourished from the right sources. And that you can do by using coconut oil on your colored hair!
In this category, we have red shades, like, if you have gone for hair dyes like red, or plum, then they will fade away sooner. These dyes have smaller color molecules and it is largely due to this reason that they are sooner removed from your hair.
Tips to Retain the Hair Dye for a Long Time
Apart from using coconut oil to retain your hair color for a longer time, there are other tips that you can follow as well.
1. Extensively and properly condition your hair before you start to color them
The first tip is that you should prepare your hair properly before you plan to color them. In this preparation phase, you have to make sure that your hair is healthy enough. If they are healthy, only then a dye can retain them.
2. Never use hot water while washing your colored hair
You should not ever and ever use hot water when it comes to washing your colored hair. It is because of this hot water usage that dye or respective hair color fades away from your hair instantly. In other words, hot water speeds up the entire color loss process.
3. Using color-enhancing products
Apart from using coconut oil for enhancing your hair dye application process, you should use color-enhancing products as well. Such products contain traces of hair dye. You just have to apply them and enhance your hair dye area one more time.
Process of Applying Coconut Oil on Dyed Hair

The process to use coconut oil for enhancing and improving your hair color is quite simple. You only have to take one teaspoon size of that oil.'
After that, gently massage that oil on your hair properly and thoroughly. Make sure to start this oil application process from the middle section of your hair.
And then you can apply coconut oil to the ends of your dyed hair. Leave that oil on your dyed hair for 20 to 30 minutes. You can even leave that oil overnight. Finally, rinse and wash your hair with some non-sulfate-based shampoo and see how your hair color is going to be naturally enhanced!
Will Coconut Oil Remove Permanent Hair Dye?
No, coconut oil does not possess any tendency and potential to change or fade your permanent hair color. Most importantly, this oil is not composed of any stripping or acidic component. It never and ever damages your colored hair because this is a natural and organic oil version. In addition, no minor change is spotted and witnessed in your hair color.
No matter, you have got permanent hair color, you can freely use this coconut oil because it nourishes your hair and never bring any damage to it. Most probably, you may have seen many hair stylists who use coconut oil once they dye the hair of their clients. They are of this belief that coconut oil makes their hair more vibrant looking and the colors as well shine last longer.
Does Coconut Oil Fade Semi-Permanent Hair Dye?
And when it comes to semi-permanent hair color, even then do damage is given by coconut oil to color-treated hair. The only thing that you should take care of is that avoid using hot or warm coconut oil on your dyed hair. If you do so, then fading problem may occur. Moreover, hot coconut oil sucks the color. So, it is better to use this at a normal room temperature range and get risk-free results at your end. Thus, coconut oil does protect and enhance your color but you should use other products as well for ensuring the long-lasting stay of your hair color.
Can I Apply Coconut Oil Before Dyeing My Hair?

Many people are confused that whether they should apply coconut oil before coloring their hair or once they have colored them! Here is the exact explanation for you. According to many hairstyling experts, it is not advised to use coconut oil before you process your hair to any color treatments. Such a practice will make your hair greasy and color will not be properly absorbed in them.
So, before dyeing your hair, you should not apply coconut oil. Furthermore, this practice will not set your hair properly and desired coloring results are not going to be achieved. Even if you plan to color your hair on 10-08-2021, avoid applying the oil the day before the color application process and make sure to keep your hair all grease and oil-free.
Can I Apply Oil After Coloring My Hair?
Yes, you can apply coconut oil after coloring your hair. This is a general and common practice that is followed by many people. On the other side, most people wait for a week's duration and then expose their colored hair to any oils and washing processes. It is better to take one week gap and then apply coconut oil to your dyed hair. Moreover, all hair types and textures are different. There is a chance that your hair will react and respond differently if you apply or not apply coconut oil.
It is time that you should get the most out of the application processing mode of coconut oil. If you have colored your hair, then there is a certain way that you should use this oil. Most importantly, you can make use of coconut oil in the form of a pre-shampoo. In other words, apply it to your hair before you shampoo them.
Furthermore, this practice boosts and overall improves the conditioning element of your dyed hair. Before rinsing your hair, application coconut oil add a conditioning layer on your colored hair and hence prolong their retaining span. This is the only way that you can get a maximum number of benefits from coconut oil applications.
Conclusion - Coconut Oil and Hair Dye
Thus, we again tell you that there is no risk in using coconut oil. It does not remove your hair dye and in a way brings more and more nourishing aspects to your color-treated hair.
Furthermore, it is up to you whether you want to use coconut oil as a pre-wash or in the form of post hair dye wash version.
This oil ensures that your hair stays all healthy, shiny, and nourished, that is why it is a must for you to use it on your dyed hair.
TThe use of this oil is only positive, productive, and strong enough. It is ideal for your hair and never becomes a threat to your hair.
So, feel free to use coconut oil on your hair. No matter, they are treated with dyes and certain hair colors; you can still use this oil.
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