I have always loved heart hairstyles. I’m not sure what to call this one…the “topsy tail braided ponytail heart” maybe?
1. I started out by parting the heart with the metal end of a rat tail comb (hold the comb as if it were a pencil and you are “drawing” the heart).
2. Next I ponytailed the section of hair from the heart part.
3. I divided the ponytail into 2 equal sections, braided each section and used our hair beader tool to “topsy tail” each braid.
4. I tied the braids together using some ribbon and gathered the rest of her hair into a ponytail and braided it.
Here is a look back at some styles I’ve done in the past for Valentine’s Day:
For cute beads, bows and accessories check out snapaholics.com
Just for fun some other heart hairstyles:
Willow Smith Inspired Heart Hairstyle by Mainly Braids