We started this blog in 2011, D was younger then and I was just learning about naturally curly hair care and styles myself (hence the name “Untrained Hair Mom”). I was far from trained or skilled in the hair department, but that was part of the fun of documenting our styles and tracking progress. Since then my little girl has grown and we have gotten away from the cutesy little girl hairstyles that mainly fill this blog. So, we are working on posting hairstyles for the older girls, the tweens and pre-teens.
A couple of blog posts ago (in Hip Hop Dance Hairstyle), I mentioned that we straightened D’s hair for her dance recital. It is still straight and we are taking advantage of that and styling in different ways. D removed the braids and bobbie pins from the previous style and brushed her hair out with that handy Michelle Mercier brush (the blue one for course hair), they show them on TV but they have them at Wal-Mart. We just recently got it and it has worked well on her straightened hair, I know know what it will be like on her curly hair, but for now D loves it and brushes her hair with it all the time.
The other day we did the popular top knot hairstyle:

For this style simply gather hair from the top of the head into and ponytail then twist the hair around and secure with a ponytail holder.

Top knot hairstyle on straightened curly hair: