Typically when we wear beads we wear them on the ends of braids (click to learn how to add beads to the ends of braids so that they stay). But recently I was inspired by a couple other hair moms to change it up and spice up our hairstyles with beads in other ways. our community on Facebook had done the following hairstyle. By adding some colored beads to ponytails and twisting a beaded braid around the hair that was left down she totally transformed the style:

This style led the mommy and former blogger of Goldilocks N Me to a pretty beaded bun style. After having trouble getting the ponytail to lay just right with the beads wrapped around she decided to twist it up into a bun and add a cute bow to create this adorable hairstyle with beads:

In turn, all of this inspired me to also add some beads to D’s double bun style:

She was already sporting two buns and the cornrows down the back with beads. You may even remember the sneak peak of this style in our post on protecting hair with satin lined hats in the winter, well those 2 buns were what was under her winter hat.
How to Add Beads to a Bun
To add the beads into the buns I took the bun down (leaving the hair in a ponytail) and gathered one small section from each ponytail (you could do more if you’d like), I braided the small section, beaded it all the way up using a our community on Facebook and then twisted the bead section around the rest on the hair and made a bun:
Before adding beads: After adding beads:

What "out of the ordinary hairstyles" have you done using beads? Comment below and also feel free to share your hairstyle photos with our community on Facebook.