Perms are now loved by both men and women communities. Gone are those days when perming was only done by girls. Boys have entered in the same boat as well. Here you can know
how long should your hair be for a perm male? We can give you an ideal answer that your hair should be two inches in length if you want to perm them.
Keep in mind that this is the minimum length that boys should have. In addition, if your hair length is short than that of two inches, then perming is not possible on such short hair. Besides, it becomes difficult for the hairstyling expert to wrap such short hair in the perm rod.
To get the desired perm results, it all depends on your
hair length and quality. Like, thick hair gives the best perming results and thin hair texture does not give the required perm results. So, you need to understand that hair length should be up to 2 to 3 inches for perming and curling them.
This length easily gets fit and wrapped in the slim-sized rod and you end up getting tight perms. It is time that we should appreciate this male perm trend as well. Boys are going crazy after this style and now most of them have booked their appointments to embrace this perm trend.
If you are currently rocking this hairstyle, then share your feedback and experience with us. Go crazy with these luscious-looking perms and curls. Below you can check out more of the details on perms and how far this trend has gone:
All About Perm Male
As we have told you to have male perm is getting a crazy amount of attention these days. You might have heard about the female perm hairstyles, but the trend of opting for a male perm is going on the seventh cloud now. In addition, this is a specific hair procedure in which chemicals are applied to your hair and you get perms. In other words, the natural texture of your hair is changed and completely altered. Boys having straight hair embrace this perm style and eventually get these curls and ringlets.
Most importantly, in this chemical process, the real bonds of your hair are broken down and they are altered in a way to get a perm look. Furthermore, they are reset with the help of a perming rod. You may have seen that a rod is wrapped around the hair and after some time, perms appear on your hair. Hence, this hairstyle gives boys a modern yet aesthetic kind of look.
How to Perm Hair Men?

Different approaches and techniques are used by the hairstyling experts to perm the hair of males. But there is a general rule of thumb that you can follow. In the old-style perming techniques, the rods are usually and commonly made of plastic. But now creative and latest techniques are used for creating perms. Firstly, chemicals are introduced into your hair scalp. This chemical processing induction alters the texture of your hair. Then a perm solution is applied and your hair gets wrapped in that solution.
The last step is to use a curling rod and you get a final perm look on your hair. There are many curling rods that give you thin to large size curls. So, it depends on the person what kind of curling rod he wants to choose! The perm rod wraps the hair starting from the tip section of the hair and then pulls them back to the scalp in a backward direction. Hence, a spiral look is created and perfect perms are made.
Minimum Hair Length for Perm for a Guy
We have mentioned this point already in the above section of this post that your
hair should be 2 to 3 inches in length if you want to get a perm. This is the minimum length demand that you have to fulfill. If your hair is shorter as compared to this demand, then it is a must for you to grow your hair up to this much longer.
In addition, for 2-3 inch long hair, we have seen that a super slim-sized rod is sufficient enough. This rod size gives you super tight perms in one go. Moreover, for having loose perms and curls, it is better to grow your hair a bit longer. Besides, if your hair length is up to 5 to 6 inches, then the largest perm rod is needed.
Factors that Determine Perm Quality for Males
All males have to understand that 2 to 3 inches is the minimum length to get a perm. Rest, there are other points as well that are stated by hairstyling professionals from countries like the
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- Most importantly, you should have long hair and not shorter hair if you want to get loose and wavy perms. More texture and layering is there on your hair, it is better for that male to get high-end and high-quality perms.
- Thick hair is a suitable and appropriate hair texture for getting perms. As we all know that thick hair is more elastic and healthy. In addition, they remain to stay medium in texture. That is why thick hair type is ideal for males if they are interested in getting perms.
- As two inches is the minimum length to get perms, in the same way, thick hair is one of the priority conditions that males must follow. Thin hair type fails to give you stylish and decent curls.
How Short is Too Short to Perm Hair Male?
Though it is possible to perm short hair you need to understand that how short is too short if you want to get perms on your hair! The perming technique works well both on short and long hair types. We know that this is a fantastic-looking hairstyle and it is compatible with both short and long hair lengths. Those males who have short hair, end up getting a retro-style look. Furthermore, perms give their personality more of a youthful kind of vibe. In addition, perming done on short hair needs low and minimum maintenance as well. Celebs like
James Franco have supported this same belief that perms look dapper both on short and long hair guys.
The only thing that is of a higher point of consideration is that hair length of 2 to 3 cm fails to perm. No matter you have got the smallest sized perm rod, even then this hair length cannot perm. In other words, we can say that this much hair length is probably and certainly too short. Before you rush to the salon to get a perm, check on your own how much is hair length of!
Those males who have already fine baby locks should avoid getting a perm. In addition, if your hair is bleached and you have got a few highlights on them, then it is not recommended to get a perm. Along with that, guys having extremely short hair, perms are not suitable for them at all. Even if they plan to do so, perms will reduce their hair size and hair length further and this will look quite awkward.
How Long Does a Perm Take to Do Male?

Most of the males have pinpointed this question that how long does the perm process take on average, here you can check out that! The minimum duration of this process is 2 hours and it even takes longer than that. Most noteworthy, it depends on your hair length and it is on this aspect that the total time duration of the perm process can be determined.
If your hair has a long length, then this process can take around and about 4 hours. We have already told you that this is an extensive and technical chemical application process. It needs patience while your hair texture is changed and a perming solution is applied and finally wrapping your hair in the perm rod.
So, if you have planned to perm your hair and you have your appointment on
25-08-2021, then do ask the hairstyling expert that how much time this whole process will take. In this whole span, you need to sit on the salon chair and all tasks are performed by the stylist. Yes, patience is the main and primary while getting perms.
Do Modern Perms Damage Hair?
If males are thinking that does perm bring any hair damage, so check out this explanation and sort out your confusion. It is somewhat true that perming brings a mild kind of damaging effect on your hair. This chemically processed hair treatment makes your hair a bit weaker and brittle. But if you take care of your hair, then no damage will occur.
Most importantly, a perming technique that is done unprofessionally and incorrectly, only those perms damage your hair. It is better and advised to perm your hair from a reputable and high-end salon. If you end up going to the cheap and low-standard salon, then those perms will just bring destruction to your hair.
Though it is a chemical-treated process, that is why immense care and professionalism are needed. This hairstyling treatment can only be completed and well accomplished by top-notch experts. So, seek this treatment from a top styling expert and avoid the bad perm results.
Tips for Males to Follow After a Perm
As soon as you are done with your perming process, now is the time to follow these mentioned tips to retain the perm texture. Moreover, you should avoid leaving your hair the way they are after a perm. In fact, your duty becomes double because hair that is perm need double care and double attention.
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- Firstly, you should use good-quality shampoos and conditioners. Try to choose those products that are specifically made for hair that have passed themselves through the perming process. Using top-quality shampoos and conditioners help your perms last longer. In addition, regularly conditioning your perms brings more moisture to your curls.
- As this is a chemical hair treatment, that is why you should not show any minor negligence! You should avoid making your perms even a little bit frizzy. Just give them a deep-conditioning treatment at home and inject extra moisture in them.
- You should try using those products that make your perm or ringlets more hydrated and bouncy looking. They have to look flexible and elastic.
- And it is a must for you to avoid using heat styling tools on your hair that is perm. This is the biggest and stupid blunder that any male can make! Even if you are using a heating tool, make sure to set it at a low temperature and the settings should not be higher than 300ºF.
- According to experts, exposing your perms to too much heat just make them frizzy and unimpressive looking. In other words, your perms become loose and they get back to their original shape.
How Long do Perms Last for Guys?
If you are currently wondering how long does a perm lasts in males, then check out the exact answer from here. It is seen that perming process lasts for 2 to 4 months. However, taking proper care of them may enhance and lengthen their age. All in all, their average and minimum lifespan are three to four months. It even depends on the factor from which salon you have opted and the hair texture you have and what maintenance tips you followed! If you have followed this experience, then you can let us know how long does your perm last and when you had it last time. We know that different answers will be there because there are lots of elements that determine a perm age.
How Much Does a Perm Cost for Guys?

The cost of getting a perm varies and is based on lots of factors. A male having short hair, their perm cost is less. On the other hand, for guys having long hair, the cost of this hair treatment comes out to be more. Furthermore, the kind of salon you have chosen and the hairstyling expert you have hired, these factors determine and finalize your perm cost too. You need to finalize your budget first of all and then decide which salon and styling expert you will go for. Hence, all these elements give you the final perm cost.
Are there Different Types of Perms for Guys?
There are two types of perms, one is the hot perm and the second one is the cold perm. In the hot perm technique, an acidic solution is used on your hair strands. They are later on heated on, in this manner, disulfide bonds are broken. Moreover, an alkaline solution is applied so that hair’s protein structure can get altered. Rest, in the cold perm, this treatment needs a lot of maintenance. However, it brings less damage to your hair.
Commonly Asked Question And Answers
Question: Can you perm short hair guys?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to perm short hair guys. The only restriction is that your hair should not be 2 to 3 cm in their length. They have to be longer than that! This perming technique is made for all men having short hair or long hair of medium hair length. In addition, short hair guys prefer getting a perm because this hair treatment gives them a universally flattering look. Along with that, these short perms only last for 3 to 4 months. It means you need to perm them again and give them a touch-up for one more time.
Question: Can guys with thick hair get a perm?
Answer: It is completely and entirely possible for guys to get a perm if they have thick hair. In fact, thick hair is the ideal and best texture made for a perm. Those men who have such a thick hair texture type, instantly get stylish perms and curls, and such a perm lasts for a longer duration as well. Furthermore, this hair treatment is less damaging for those guys who have thick hair. In other words, thick hair is prone to less destruction and damage and remains healthy even if you perm them multiple times.
\uestion: Can you undo a perm?
Answer: Yes, the person can undo a perm. You can process this treatment either from the salon or you can do it at home. Certain chemicals and solutions are applied on perms and then they lose their texture on their own. This undo technique brings back your old hair texture. Once you apply that solution, start to comb your hair. After some time, you will see that no perms will be there. Make sure to use the correct solution or chemical if you want to undo a perm at home.
Now, you know
how long should your hair be for a perm male? This trend did make massive breaking news and highlights in the time of 70s and 80s and now it is back with a bang. We have provided you enough explanation on perms and for more queries on other
hairstyles, you can ask from us.
Yes, those days are completely gone when guys used to have these boring hairstyles. They are now pushing themselves to look dapper and hair treatments like that of perming have helped them a lot. Moreover, you have also learned the solution to the problem, if your
curly hair going straight at the ends.
We again remind you that this is a chemically treated process and a bit of damage will come on your hair. So, always use the right hair-care products so that perms can stay longer on your hair and your hair texture remains damage-free too.
Feel free to share your stories with us regarding how often you perm your hair and what results you get? More exciting details on men-related hairstyles are coming up, so stay tuned and in touch with us. Grow your hair up to the leng.p-0