I have seen many women complaining and being furious about the unexpected results of applying Wella T18 toner to give their hair their expected color. But the timing their hairstylist can’t adjust due to her lack of knowledge and inexperience, and the results are disastrous.
Many women are asking the same question “
how long to leave Wella T18 toner on?” The answer from the Manufacturer is you can leave Wella T18 Toner on your hair for
up to 30 minutes. If you remove it in less time you will not get your desired result. 1:2 Mix ratio uses for Wella Color, one part toning color, and two parts 20 volume developer.
I think this might be a risk to tone your hair at home. A toner removes all the unwanted shades or colors that your hair acquires after having bleach. It can give your hair the perfect shade that you want. But the problem occurs when you don’t choose toner according to your peculiar shade. If a little bit of shade change happens, it may ruin the fantasy world that you have built to get your hair dyed.
When you want to get elegant light ash blonde 8.1 by removing the carrot orange hues, Wella T18 toner helps you the best. Wella is a
German hair company making hair products in particular. It has good repute because of its best quality toners and dyes. But if you are not sincere with timing, what can be the fault of Wella T18 toner.
A perfect time to remove Wella T18 toner is 20 minutes. No less or more than 20 minutes at all.
Can Anyone Tell “How Long to Leave Wella T18 Toner On” Exactly?

When the Wella T18 toner is once applied, it starts to fade with every wash. You have to be very clear about the exact timing of your hair wash to get the perfect shade. Otherwise, when the toning procedure goes wrong, the orange color may get lighter and lighter to look much gross and embarrassing. So be exact in timing to wash your hair with Wella T18.
As I have told you before it takes 20 minutes to get your hair perfectly toned. If someone doesn’t care for the timing and
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- removes the toner before time, it will not work properly to take all unexpected hues out of your hair
- Remove the toner after 20 minutes, it will not affect the color shades but will make the hair dry and frizzy. It is because of the peroxide that can snatch the moisture of your hair and if it remains on your scalp for more than 20 minutes, it will dry your hair out badly
So be careful about the punctuality of time to not face the depressing consequences when trying to get your favorite light ash blondes.
Things to Do Before and After Using Wella T18 Toner
Hey Girls! It is not that problematic that you may start avoiding using a toner to get a perfect dye shade. But if you follow some advice strictly, you can get the desired results of hair shade.
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- Select your desired shade from the Wella color chart.
- Select wisely and after the close examination because there is a slight difference in shades on the chart.
- Always select the opposite shade of your hair shade as it will work best to tone your hair.
- Consult your hairstylist that which toner will suit your hair for getting a particular shade.
- Never try it at home if it is your first-time experience because it needs lots of experience and expertise.
- If you are not sure about a particular hairstylist to tone your hair perfectly, don’t make your hair a mere experiment.
- Let your hair test only on a strand first so that you will be sure about the perfection of the toning experiment
- Never expose your hair to Wella T18toner for more or less than 20 minutes
- Let your hair remain moisturized before and after the hair color process to make it ready facing dryness and frizz
- Try to apply Wella T18 after bleaching your hair within the day, so that it may not get lightened with washes. But if you don’t have enough time to neutralize your hair the same day, you can do it the next day. Just try to use less shampoo and more conditioner to keep your hair moisturized.
- Don’t try to use your Wella T18 or any other toner on darker hair as it will not help you to lift dark color. It just makes your blonds or ashy hair define and get more prominent.
Comparison of Wella T18 Toners with Other Toners

Everyone must note down carefully that toner is not something to change the overall color of your hair into brand new hair color. Bleaches do so. But toner only frees you from unwanted hues or shades that remain stuck to your hair. It defines your hair color as what you want it to be.
As far as Wella T18 toner is concerned, it is significantly used to define or settle the orange or yellow shades that appear after dying or bleaching your hair. It is due to the base color of your hair that you are trying to bleach. If you don’t have a keen understanding of the Wella shade chart, you must consult some experts. It will enable you to decide correctly and save you from being depressed.
If we do a comparison of other Wella toners, they are as below:
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- Wella T27: It will help you bring your beige shades prominently and toned.
- Wella T14: It tones your hair with ash shades
- Wella T10: It can neutralize your yellow hair. Its violet-colored liquid will help you greatly.
- Wella T35: It also makes your hair toned to beige by neutralizing your yellow hues greatly.
These toners work their best in their designed hair shades. But you can’t mix them at all by using another toner for a particular shade. It is not so that if you can’t find Wella T18 toners at the shop, you buy T35 and apply it to your hair to find the same light ash blondes. It will destroy the color you are trying to tone. So it is as equally important to put the exact toner as to leave it on your hair for a limited time. So make sure that each step you are taking to neutralize your hair by the toner must be quite wise and calculated. Otherwise, you have to undergo the toning procedure again after some time.
Things You Need to Use Wella T18

Toning your hair after bleaching looks like an easy process, but it involves many things. Small and useful steps can take you to your desired destination. Let’s have a look at the steps one by one.
Selection of Volume Developer
Never try to use volume 10 developer for mixing with toner liquid. as it will not work as efficiently as it can work on dark hair. The best volume is 20 developer because it will help Wella T18 to define the light ash blonde hair more effectively.
Don't Dry Fully Your Hair
Ladies! Make one thing very clear if you are using toner instantly after your bleaching process completion, it will bring the best results for you. But if you delay and take a day or two, it will not bring the expected results for you. After bleaching and washing hair, you should not dry it fully by some blow-dry or drier. Just towel dry it for some time to get good toner results.
Mixing Developer and Toner
There will be a 2:1 ratio between developer and toner when you are making its mixture to apply. We must add two portions of developer and 1 portion of toner. There is a mixing bottle with Wella toners available. But if you don’t want to use it or feel difficulty mixing in the bottle, use a bowl. Mix both things thoroughly with the help of the applicator. Always remember that you can never
use a toner without a developer.
Application of Toner
Now it’s your turn to apply the toning mixture. You have to
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- wear gloves before applying the toner.
- divide your hair into four parts, two parts from the front and two from the back.
- Try to pin your upper hair sections with the help of a clip.
- Apply the mixture on the lower sections with the help of the applicator properly.
- Try not to leave any single strand so that it may tone your hair fully.
- Then clip the toner applied hair portions.
- Repeat the process with the upper layers and bind them too.
- If a little bit of mixture is remaining, apply it on hair ends.
- Wait for full 20 minutes to wash hair but if you wait longer than 20 minutes, it will make your hair frizzy and dry
- Wash it with the help of a good shampoo and instantly apply some good moisturizer or conditioner to save your hair from frizz.
What Should One Do To Maintain the Shade?

Any color you apply starts fading with every wash. Similarly, when you apply Wella T18 to tone your blondes, it starts to fade as soon as you give the first wash. We should do something to maintain our shade at least for some time to style ourselves like
Kim Kardashian with her light ash blonde hair.
But it is not a thing that makes you pessimist not to shade your hair. I am telling you some necessary steps that will help you maintain your hair shade for some time,
Wash Your Hair Less
It is a fortune that your hair is dyed that particular shade you were loving and wishing for. But you must take its care much. Don’t wash your hair sooner. It is highly recommended that only two washes can help you maintain your shades. Try to face the polluted airless or by wearing a scarf so that it may not get dirty.
Use Medicated or Sulfate-Free Shampoo
It is better to
use a medicated shampoo if you feel your hair is more dry and frizzy than before. Many good-quality sulfate-free shampoos will not make your hair dull and lifeless. We are quite familiar with the fact that using dyes, developers, and toners snatches moisture from hair. If we don’t care for our hair and keep using shampoos with sulfate, it may ruin our hair.
A Good Quality Conditioner is a Must
When we plan to get our hair some color, we must start treating it keenly. Using good quality conditioners will save our hair from being lifeless and frizzy. We know about purple shampoo that specializes to maintain hues. Similarly using conditioner with every wash and deep condition every week is a good remedy to save our hair color and moisture.
Use Heating Tools Less
Avoid the use of heating or straightening tools. If it is necessary, apply heat-resistant oil or spray on your hair to get less heat and damage. Similarly, some special irons are designed for chemical-treated hair. If you can afford them, then go for it.
Frequently Asked Question And Answers (FAQs)
Question # 01: How long to leave the toner on brassy hair?
Answer: If you want to use toner on your brassy hair, you must understand its type. There are many types and categories of brassiness. It can be orange, and red-shaded brassiness. A good toner will tone your hair from 15 to 35 minutes but it depends on the degree of your hair’s brassiness. The opposite color you are selecting against yellow, red, or orange will do the work according to the time limit.
Question # 02: How long does Wella toner last after opening?
Answer: Any hair product including Wella gets expires within 5 to 6 weeks of its opening. In fact, by opening a hair product, it gets exposed to air, heat, sunlight, moisture, and humidity. All these factors help it to oxidize and lose its sustaining power. If you have Wella T18 toner remaining for more than 6 weeks, don’t try to use it. Its oxidization may not only damage your hair but also will have no toning results.
Question # 03: How long to leave Wella T18 toner on bleached hair?
Answer: The limit for removing your Wella T18 toner is 20 minutes. If you want to get lighter shades, you can wait for 10 to 15 minutes. But going for some darker shades, wait till full 20 minutes. But never go beyond 20 minutes otherwise it will ruin your hair to destruction. It will make your hair frizzy and dry. So you must be too cautious about timing when going to tone your hair.
Question # 04: What happens if you leave the toner on too long?
Answer: Excess of everything is bad. The same is the case with hair products. If we leave the toner more than the told time, it may bring frizz and lifelessness to your hair. We know that all coloring products contain peroxides which take the moisture away from your hair. Knowing all these facts, if we are careless about time and don’t remove toner within time, we are presenting our hair to dryness with our own hands.
Question # 05: How long to leave the toner on orange hair?
Answer: If you think that the orange-colored hair is dominant and stubborn, you have to use the toner for almost 45 minutes. I know it sounds weird that 45 minutes are too much for hair to damage. But the ratio of 1:2 will take time to cover all the orange hues. It is a strong color and needs extra effort to take lighter shades on.
I think you may have understood
how long to leave Wella T18 toner onto your hair. It is all about your timing and your care. A little carelessness can ruin your mood and your hair too. Be quite active and keen before and after the toning process to get the desired results.
A 20 minutes treatment is sufficient to take the yellowish hues out of your hair and shade it as you want. But hair care is a must. Be sure to moisturize your hair before and after your toning treatment. Your hair health will make you experiment with another shade or another dye after some time.
The shade wheel can help you decide what shade your hair will accept against its color. There is no harm in consulting an expert colorist about your hair shades. It will enable you to enjoy your dream amazingly.