Women face the issue of getting the darker tone and they don’t even know how to get rid of grey tones in their blonde hair. The issue is too overwhelming that many of the celebrities are also its victim.
Women like to look cool and stylish. They apply themselves different hair shades dark or light. But it is also a fact that they face sometimes a shock when it is dyed wrongly. The problem occurs with almost all the shades but the blonde has very much complained.
It’s quite natural to be attracted by hair colors and advertisements play an important role to arouse a wish to dye our hair. The color we see in the poster or shade wheel provided by our stylist may have a slight difference from the original one.
The poster or catalog colors are photo-shopped and set to brightness and glamour. Sometimes the addition of excess bleach can harm our desired results.
[su_highlight]When we are trying to lighten the shades of our hair to get blonde, it gets the base shade that normally is ash and turns to grey.[/su_highlight]
Reasons to Get Rid Of Grey Tones in Blonde Hair

To avoid the risk of a wrong-shade shift from blonde to grey, we must understand the reasons for how and why shade gets wrong. It is a complex yet understandable science. We can get it on our own and there is no need to consult any hairstylist.
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Toning Hair After Bleaching
Sometimes we tend to get some classic results of our blondes. But we misplace the procedure of dying and toning. When we bleach our hair to cut the original color or let the old color wash away, then use a blonde shade.
The method is not incorrect at all but has risks. We can add or cut some toner and as a result, it gives grayish shade instead of blonds. It happens especially when we do dying our hair at home. The lack of experience causes misjudgment of toner.
But many pro stylists can do the mistake sometimes in a hurry or lack of attention.
Use of Ashy Toning Shampoo
The market is full of hair products and by looking at them we feel attracted towards them. Similarly, there are many toning shampoos that we use to counteract the oxidation of our blondes. It proves amazing with some hair types.
But still, we have seen many disastrous results shifting a glamorous blonde to grey or even brassy tones. It is not good for every hair type. It may wash out the original tone and turn it to grey.
Another reason is that our hair color, whether blonde or red, can absorb pigment in the toner shampoo. This is why a new color can arouse from it that can probably be grey.
It’s the Magic Played By Using an Ashy Dye
Once you’ve dyed your hair the wrong tone, whether it is grey or any other color, you have to be patient. Because no color is too quick to leave hair. It takes time.
A woman gets inspired at once when she watches a t.ve ad with a girl waving her ashy blondes. She buys the pack of that dye the next day to look glamorous as the ad girl looks.
But the experiment goes wrong. The color that is provided in the pack will turn your hair grey, not ash blonde. Or might there be an orange tone vibrant in it?
This may also happen to you at a beauty salon when it’s a good brand ashy dye that you are going to get tones with a blonde. But the bleach density increase and the result is a thorough grey tone instead of ashy blondes.
An Ashy Toner Is also Responsible to Get Grey Tones
Toner is just to give your hair dye a shade and perfection. It can’t be compared to a dye or bleach. The main work as everyone knows is done by the dye itself. But toner can spoil all your efforts too.
In the case of using ashy toner, it happens the same as using ashy dye. The toner can’t get the base color of ashy blondes and inclines towards a
gray hair tone. But there is no need to worry about it at all. It’s very easy to get back your base color with a little effort.
All these reasons are involved in getting a grey tone instead of blondes. We have to be a little careful while trying to dye our hair at home or in Salon. But it is not an unsolved riddle. All these issues can be solved and we can get real blonde tones.
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How to Get Rid Of Grey Tones While Dying Blonde?

Celebrities like Rooney Mara could face the disaster of dying themselves wrong. There are many agents responsible for getting the wrong tone. When we get a grey tone instead of bright blondes, we have an opportunity to reverse the action. It can take some time but there are methods and home DIY remedies to get rid of your grey tone instead of blonde.
[su_highlight]Let’s just look at them one by one.[/su_highlight]
Baking Soda Cuts the Tone
Baking soda is a great home remedy to cut color, grease, or stains. All you need to do is to add a spoon full of baking soda to your shampoo. Shampoo should be in a quantity enough to wash your hair.
Apply baking soda mixed shampoo in your
hair and rub gently. You can continue this practice till you think all the ingredients will get mixed properly.
Don’t use harsh hands while rubbing into the hair. It may damage your hair. After that, rinse this mixture properly from the hair. Make sure to wash the mixture properly. No remains of soda should be there in your hair. Otherwise, it can cause your hair follicles damage and weaken hair.
Doing this practice after two or three days, you will get rid of the grey tone from your blondes.
Lemon Is Best Dye Cutter
As we know all citrus fruits especially lemon have acids that contain grease-cutting qualities. Lemon is very useful as a color cut. We have seen if accidentally lemon juice drops on our cotton or linen clothes, the color from that area fades away.
But we can use lemon juice to get rid of our unwanted grey tone from blondes. Using lemon for cutting hair color is traditional as well scientific. But it has its ways to do so.
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- Lemon can be used with a good hair conditioner. Direct applying of lemon juice can endanger the hair strands. We can mix lemon juice in a ratio of 2:1. Lemon is doubled in this ratio. The mixture is made in a way to saves your hair from the intense acidity of lemon. Conditioner will act as a protective shield for hair roots and follicles.
- Apply the mixture with full-length hair. Leave it for a minimum of 3 hours. For best results, you can leave it overnight. But in case you have weak hair, don’t risk them a full night. After the time passes, wash it properly and then again deep condition them. If use warm water, it will be more result providing.
- Another method is a little hard to hair. Women with unhealthy hair should not risk their hair. You have to apply a detergent soap or dish wash to your hair. Dish wash and detergent have hard chemicals. They will act instantly to get the grey hair out of your blondes. After doing this, you have to apply lemon juice to your hair.
- After massaging gently in your hair, wash the lemon extracts from your hair. Do this keenly so that every bit of citric acid may remove from your hair. After this process, condition deeply your hair because both the dish wash and lemon are dry and can make your hair dry and brittle. Within two or three washes, you can get the desired results.
A Clarifying Shampoo Can Do The Best
Normally women with oily hair use clarifying shampoos. It is best for taking the oil, grease, or dirt from your hair. The formulation of clarifying shampoo contains acidic properties that instantly cut the oils. Similarly, when you apply this shampoo to get rid of the grey tone, it will work the same. It will cut the tone from 5 to 10 days. Make sure not to use clarifying shampoo too much just to retain your original hair color. It can damage your hair too. Try sung conditioners after using a clarifying shampoo. Deep conditioning is a must after using a clarifying shampoo.
Dandruff shampoo is An Option too
Dandruff shampoo contains chemicals that lift dandruff out of the hair. They are too active and sharp. Using dandruff shampoo in your hair to cut the grey tone that has spoiled your blondes, is a good technique.
Apply gently any well-known brand dandruff shampoo and rub it gently. After 1 to 2 minutes’ rubbing, wash it thoroughly. Don’t try to save water. Use water generously that no shampoo remains are left in your hair.
Instant deep conditioning is best to avoid dryness and frizz.
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Hydrogen Peroxide Is A Handy Method
Hydrogen peroxide or developer is commonly found in all beauty stores. It is an easily found chemical. Hairstylists use it to mix dye colors evenly. It lightens the effect of hair due. It helps to handle a concentrated dye into a lighter tone.
When you find no way to cut your grey tones from blondes, you can apply this method. If no DIY is working, it will work for sure. You can mix developer in your routine shampoo and apply it to your hair thoroughly. If you have a hair cap, it is very good to wear it.
If you don’t have it, you can wear a polythene bag. This cap will provide some heat to your dyed hair. This heat will help to accelerate the process of getting rid of the grey tones.
After some time maybe 4 o 5 minutes, wash your hair. Hydrogen peroxide will help to cut the grey tone quickly. The application of conditioner is a must to avoid hair damage.
Using all the above methods or DIYs will help you cut the grey tones from your hair. It may become easy for you to get rid of the unwanted grey tones.
Doing something is better than mere thinking and getting upset. It is a normal life can to get wrongly toned. This can happen with the mistake of your stylist or you can do it yourself. Some unwanted tresses of grey tone can appear that may not be appreciated.
It can simply be solved by applying some tips and formulas. There is nothing to worry about it. Just in case you are in a hurry and want to attend the event or party the very night, you can get embarrassed.
First, you must consider the product you are going to use. It can have some side effects too. It is necessary to check the expiry date of the dyes. Old and expired colors can damage your hair.
Secondly, try to use less harsh methods first. If you are not in a hurry, then do it after some intervals. Using acidic mixtures will damage your hair badly.
To end the discussion, we come to know that there are methods and ways to get rid of the grey tones that spoil our blondes.