The article contains the word skin fungus, but are you familiar with this term?
This term is used for those pimples which are on hair skin follicles and are very terrible as it causes itching and redness.
When we talk about skin, there are many DIY that people tried and tested on their skin, but as the title is about the skin fungus, we will investigate many researchers and dermatologists to gather all the information we can on the use of Head & Shoulder against the skin fungus.
Usually people asked
How to Use Head and Shoulders for Skin Fungus? All you need to do is just simply substitute in a Hand and Shoulder
dandruff shampoo for your body wash or cleanser. Flap it up and wash down your skin wherever you're undergoing a breakout. If it's on your face leave it for a minute before washing it off.
Many hairs expert recommend the anti-dandruff shampoo as a good remedial, but we don’t know why and the details of their recommendation. Let’s begin the discussion which contains details as to why and how the anti-dandruff shampoo Head & Shoulder is the best remedy for the treatment of skin fungal problems.
Head & Shoulder Introduction

In the era of 1980, people started thinking that their outfit will make their first impression, as time passes by, the thought brought a new addition to the market of shampoo. That was the Head & Shoulder.
The shampoo was being the first of its kind, that’s one of the reasons the shampoo is still thought to be the best in skin fungal issues. Usually, 70% of the human population suffers from dandruff or skin-related problems of hair many people don’t take dandruff as a disease and take it normally, making it dangerous and prone to more complications. H&S is specifically designed to help the skin and act against fungal acne.
The market is full of companies running side by side with their competitors who claimed to have the best solution for the hair dandruff but when we investigate their chemical composition, we see the difference between them.
The company is marketed under the tagline, "You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression", which seems to be grabbing a lot of attention. The company still stands in the position as they strive more with adding different formulas along with anti-fungal agents to make hair looks healthier. There are different hair experts which ask their consumers to use regularly to have a permanent solution to their dandruff problem.
Chemical Substances Present in the Shampoo
Are you interested in knowing the chemicals which cure your hair?
Well, the active ingredient which helps you with your fungal acne is Pyrithione Zinc and Selenium Sulfide. The word seems to be slippery on the tongue, but it works pretty well on your hair. Along with these 2, there are a lot of other solvents, mixers, moisturizers, and cleansing agents in the shampoo. There is always water present to mix the solution carefully, the active anti-fungal agents work efficiently on the dandruff scalp and wash them away.
The almond oil present in the shampoo helps in providing moisturizer to the hair scalp and makes it difficult for dandruff to adhere again. The constant use of the anti-fungal agent may cause some damage to hairs but the presence of moisturizing agents cover it up and makes the hairs healthy.
Before going further in the shampoo bottle let’s see the fungal acne and discuss it too.
Fungal Acne Present on Skin
The term fungal acne is used to describe the small red pimples which are present in the skin of hair follicles. These pimples are caused by the yeast present on the hair skin.
This fungal acne looks like nothing, but it can make your skin irritated and red. According to some doctors, our skin keeps the balance of fungal, viral, bacterial, and microbial growth when gets the favorable conditions it grows and results in fungal acne. There are many things that can cause this imbalance.
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- Oil and moisture can give them a medium to grow that’s why a proper wash with anti-fungal agents can stop their growth.
- Using workout clothes again without washing
- Wearing sweaty clothes
- Use of different antibiotics
- Hot climate people must bath regularly else the fungal acne gets conditions to grow
How to Use H&S for Better Results?

Every time we take a bath, it is very necessary to know the cleaning steps. If you don’t follow the steps carefully, the results might not be good enough for you. For better results of H&S on your dandruff hairs, you must read the flap or the backside of the bottle. Since dandruff is a mild disease that may result in fungal acne, you are using H&S to cure a disease, you must follow the steps very carefully.
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- Wet your hairs with mild-warm water
- Apply shampoo on your hands, mix it, then apply it to your hairs
- Slowly spread the shampoo on the hair scalp
- Leave it for 15 min max, wash your hairs thoroughly
- Wash it again so the shampoo won’t be left in the hairs
Washing with the H&S shampoo will give you soft silky hair with no dandruff. Usually, the hair expert recommends 2-3 washes per week as per the condition of dandruff.
Why Dandruff Shampoo Works on Fungal Acne?
Are you having fungal acne?
Do you need a good solution to it?
Hair experts like, Joshua Zeichner, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, and New York City dermatologist Nava Greenfield, MD, of Schweiger Dermatology Group, explained in detail, why and how to use a dandruff shampoo.
As per the research, many dermatologists suggest the use of dandruff shampoo to cure fungal acne because of a few reasons.
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- They are very easy to grab from any store
- They give good health to the hairs even though they are curing the hair disease
- The chemical agent in the shampoo works very well on fungal acne
If we see the detail of the chemical composition of the dandruff shampoo you will be really shocked to find the anti-fungal agents in it. Clearly, these
anti-fungal agents are the secret warriors which help to clear the fungal acne in the patient.
These ingredients are Pyrithione Zinc and Selenium Sulfide. The word seems to be slippery on the tongue, but it works pretty well on your fungal acne. Usually, dandruff shampoo is supposed to make the skin dry and rough, making the growth of fungus difficult. You can clearly see the adverse conditions makes your fungal acne lesser as the usage of dandruff shampoo increases.
Do you use dandruff shampoo frequently? Most of the time when a person is recommended the dandruff shampoo, he might think that I have dandruff, what he doesn’t know is that the chemical composition of the shampoo makes his life much easier and save him from a lot of fungal issues.
This fungal acne or fungal growth might take some time to get recognized. It may look like any bacterial infection until after a few days, till then if you are using a dandruff shampoo with active anti-fungal ingredients, it will save you from all the hassle. You won’t be having any fungal acne in your hair or any body parts, you might be having rough skin but for that, you can use some moisturizers.
Do Head and Shoulders Work on Fungal Acne?

Are you familiar with the brand Head & Shoulder?
Well, don’t be shocked to know that the famous brand of Procter & Gamble, the Head & Shoulder is the best remedy for fungal acne. The reason lies with the chemical formula of the shampoo.
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- Pyrithione Zinc
- Selenium Sulfide.
These are the two main active ingredients apart from others present in the shampoo. Do you want to know how it works? Let’s take a trip and grab some snacks before we go deep in shampoo.
Before we talk about fungal acne, let's recall the active ingredients which we just discussed. They are essential in stopping the process of fungal acne.
The process includes seborrheic dermatitis, acne vulgaris, and an acne-like inflammation of hair follicles i.e., pityrosporum folliculitis. They are affected by the anti-fungal ingredients, thus stopping their growth and the fungal acne.
So, yes! The Head & Shoulder works efficiently on fungal acne, the usage depends on the severity of the infection. Sometimes the more the shampoo is used, the more effective it is for fungal acne.
What are Pyrithione Zinc and Selenium Sulfide?
We are continuously talking about the ingredients which are present in the Dandruff shampoo
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- Pyrithione Zinc
- Selenium Sulfide.
The words might be a tongue roller to say, but it is very essential to know their effectiveness of them. For a little moment let’s go past chemistry class and remember the chemical compositions and formula.
As we all know there are many microbes, some are bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. Pyrithione Zinc has a double effect on the scalp. It works as anti-microbial as well as anti-fungal.
Selenium Sulfide works as the topical anti-fungal agent, it helps in stopping the growth of fungal acne on the skin. Both ingredients complement each other and enhance their effects.
Mostly when we use any dandruff shampoo or anti-acne cream, anti-fungal creams, these two chemicals are present in them in any form.
Benefits of Pyrithione Zinc and Selenium Sulfide for Acne
Pyrithione Zinc
The substance Pyrithione Zinc is very popular in the microbial world. Many anti-fungal products contain this chemical. Let’s see together the benefits of this chemical
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- It can cover anti-viral, along with anti-fungal and anti-microbial area
- Several products efficacy depends on it
- It affects readily on the affected area
Selenium sulfide
This chemical agent is also used in treating different fungal diseases. They are used in combination of other chemicals.
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- They work well on all skin types.
- It could stop the fungal acne within a few hours.
- They might be useful in treating skin diseases.
Side Effects
The side effects are all common to both the chemical compound.
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- Itching to the scalp.
- Irritation on the skin.
- Sometimes the skin can have a burning sensation.
- The skin can be peeled off if not used in proper concentration.
There are many side effects that vary from patient to patient, but the side effects discussed above are the most common ones.
How to Treat Fungal Acne with the Head and Shoulders?
How can we diagnose fungal acne?
This is a very tough thing to do, being a dermatologist or related to skin diseases, we have a vast variety, and picking something randomly is not an option. After a series of unfortunate events, many hairs expert suggests that dandruff can be a cause of more defined fungal acne in a person. To avoid that, one must use a proper anti-dandruff shampoo continuously.
Using Head & Shoulder can minimize the effect of fungal acne, but the question arises how?
Well! Let’s check it out.
As you all know we have discussed earlier that the H&S has anti-fungal chemicals present inside it. These chemical substances are
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- Pyrithione Zinc
- Selenium sulfide
These help in making the skin unbearable for the growth of yeast, as dandruff is a form of yeast rather than a bacterium, it stops and cures fungal acne. We all have tried the H&S at some point in life, so we all can relate the roughness of skin and itching, well this is what we get when we interfere with the growth of any fungal acne, this is normal side effects, and it can get better when we continue to use the shampoo. The chemical compound inhibits growth and helps maintain the skin.
Can I Use the Head and Shoulders on my Face for Fungal Acne?
If you touch your face, you can feel the smooth skin. So, the question here is, can we use H&S on the face?
Well, the answer is YES! The skin can get fungal acne anywhere on the skin, and the presence of zinc in H&S can be helpful in curing the fungal acne on the skin. Since we already have discussed the chemical composition responsible for the anti-fungal activity, we all can use the shampoo for a brief time to cure the fungal can on the skin. 2-3 times a week is more than enough for the face, but it’s not a permanent solution, you do need to consult a skin dermatologist to get on the full recovery.
What's Inside Head & Shoulders?
Do you ever wonder how the H&S formula came together; well let’s take another trip inside the bottle of H&S shampoo to get to know the details?
On seeing inside the bottle, we can see the presence of
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Pyrithione ZINC: It has an anti-fungal effect and helps to stop the growth of fungal, viral as well as microbial growth. It is used for the wide spectrum and acts well in combination.
Polyquaternium-10: It is used as a conditioner, thickener, with different concentrations.
Zinc Carbonate: The H&S is the only shampoo that contains zinc and with the combo of two zinc compounds they can work well on the flakes and dandruff.
Sodium Laureth Sulfate: Well, this is the cleanser agent of the shampoo which works best along with the zinc in the shampoo.
Dimethicone: This, along with two other chemicals is responsible to give softness and moisturizer to hair health. They work efficiently on the rough hairs too.
Glycol Distearate: This acts as a moderator in the solution. This helps in maintaining all the chemicals inside the bottle mixed and blended.
All these ingredients are blended and mixed to get the best result against fungal acne. You may be interested to read more about
how do head and shoulders work?
There is no end to science and when we talked about the anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial activity there’s a lot of modification and changes with the passage of time.
Now, are we finished accessing the dandruff shampoo for fungal acne?
Well, after very long research, we can definitely come to an end now. We have discussed many essential things in the article. Whatever was discussed in this article, a few major things are summarized down.
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- The dandruff shampoo is very effective around fungal acne.
- They contain a chemical compound that will help in stopping the spread of fungal acne.
- The moisturizer in the shampoo will make the skin soft but it will not last for long.
- Zinc is an active compound for anti-fungal activity.
- Zinc works more efficiently when it works with the combination of selenium sulfide.
- It can also be used on the face or body parts.
- The dandruff shampoo is the best choice for a sudden remedy.
- Remember! Always consult a dermatologist if the fungal acne doesn’t stop and get. better even though you are using the H&S dandruff shampoo.