Do you think that your hair color is seasonal? Well, you might have seen so many ladies out there who love to add their hair with the colors according to the seasonal touches. They might go with the cooler and light tones in the winter season. But for the summer season, the darker shade is something which they love the most.
If you dyed your hair and nothing happened, There must be your hair fiber saturated with pigment. In this condition, all you need to do is a little bleaching.
Nevertheless, changing the hair color all the time is not that easy. It might be disappointing for you if your dye your hair but nothing of such kind happened. You invested so much of your time and the end result is ZERO! What to do now?
Well, it is possible that you did not get the accurate hair color that you have a desire for and it is quite common. There is no need to shed buckets of tears for it! Although there are many reasons for it and sometimes it might be because you did not follow the accurate hair color requirements.
Right through this guide, we will have a detailed discussion about what to do if you dyed your hair and it did not achieve the right color. Let’s dive into the discussion below!
5 Major Reasons to Know About I Dyed my Hair but Nothing Happened

Now moving to the main topic, let’s get into a quick discussion to highlight a few reasons to let you know why your hair dye is not getting the required color.
Reason no 1: You have Left the Hair Dye for a Longer Time on Hair
This is probably the biggest mistake that many of us make. Leaving the hair dye on hair for a long time is something which you always skip. You should always leave the dye on your hair according to the time frame which the brand mentioned at the back of the product.
Leaving it for long will take away the color dimensions. To wash away the hair dye, you just need a shampoo.
Reason no 2: Failed in Using the Dye for the Best Time
This will happen much more than you actually think. According to some women, it is easy for them to move ahead and rinse off the hair in case they have already seen a certain color on their hair.
It is extremely important that you should be leaving the hair till that time in which it has been directed at the back of the product. You will gradually see that the hair has started to change its color by having a dye based on developer within 20 minutes.
This is all because of the developer's chemistry which is mixing with color and is thus causing an effect on your hair. The developer is responsible for opening the hair and letting your hair absorb the color. This will take around 25-30 minutes.
Reason no 3: Damaged the Hair Processes Better
This might be the funniest thing, but once your hair is damaged they start working better. The color process is all about the procedure in which the chemicals have to loosen the layers of outer hair after which the color is capable of attaching itself with the strands. But once the cuticles are damaged, it gets extra easier.
Thus, you will find your new hair to be extra stronger as compared to the older one. Color molecules have moved into your hair and have relaxed the scalp.
Reason no 4: Perming/Relaxation

One major mistake which almost every single woman makes is relaxing their hair too much and allowing them to get color very quickly. This can chemically damage the hair too much and might tear off the roots. You need to wait for a couple of weeks so that once your hair is relaxed, you can treat it with color.
Reason no 5: Hair Roots are Stronger as Compared to the Rest
If you have never colored your hair before, you won't have any luck coloring virgin hair won't take color. During the color process, the chemicals must loosen the outer layer of your hair to connect the new color with it. Damaged cuticles layers make it easier to color.
Researchers have found that semi-permanent hair extensions work by binding to the cuticles of hair without penetrating them, but some small molecules can reach the cuticles when the hair is damaged.
Regardless of whether you have thinned your hair before, the roots of your hair are stronger than the rest.
5 Important Things to Do if your Hair Dye Does not Work Properly
Not getting the desired hair color after the dye application is something that many of us experience. For some people, the fault is in the product but sometimes it might be happening because you are not applying it correctly. You may need to know
How Much Hair Dye Do I Need?
If you have crossed through such an experience, then there are a few mandatory precautionary ways that you can follow right now. Let’s guide you a bit about them below:
Food Moisturizing
You can smash one by using one tablespoon of mayonnaise and applying it straight into your hair t advocate it better. Make it either wet or dry. You need to first of all focus on the hair ends and then on the rest of the hair. Make the
use of a plastic bathtub and unwind it for a maximum of 15-20 minutes Wash it away and condition it once it gets finished
Keep Yourself Away from Shampoo

You need to keep your hair away from shampoo for a maximum of a starting few days. Just rinse and condition your hair, that’s it! It needs to be deep for 15 minutes.
Protein Filter
A protein filter is one such solution that you can use to transition the hair color from one color to another one. This will let the hair stay longer and will also accept the color.
You should never trap yourself in the hands of salon experts and many hairstylists just because you are not getting the desired hair color. This would never bring the color but will damage your hair a lot. They will only use harmful chemicals which can damage your hair to its fullest.
Just look for the protein fillers and avoid doing any sort of experiment on your hair through different self-proclaimed safe hair products.
Don’t Miss a Single Patch
Once you have ended up with the coloring, there is nothing to stress about if you see any single patch at the back of hair which is not colored yet. You can easily fix it without any hurry!
Look for the 1-day hair color spray to get the quick fix by using the L’Oréal Paris Colorista Hair Makeup Temporary. You can get it applied over those areas of the hair which you have missed to add color on. Either you can do it yourself by placing the mirror in front of you or you can also take help from professional stylists to make it happen permanently.
Selecting the Right Hair Dye
Selecting the right product of hair dye is something that holds primary importance. You will never see any sort of difference if you are having a level 3 darker brown hair and make the use of a lighter tone of blonde 9. This will darker your hair. The same goes with the situation if you have brown hair and you are using Blonde 8 level.
The best way to fix this issue is to look for the right shades and the product. For the dark brown 3 hair, you should go for the use of 5-dye medium brown. But if your hair is brown 4, then go with the use of light brown 6 teeth on it.
It is better to simply lighten up the hair to the maximum level of two shades and still you will witness the change. And for that choice for the base number of the tone and then add 2.
Hair dye didn't take can I dye it again?

Before you plan to tint the hair again, there are two important things that you need to do such as:
- Start evaluating the hair color or the hair color at the current moment.
- Check out the specific coloring which you are about to use and the coloring which you have previously used
On the basis of the results of the chemical bath on which the average permanent hair coloring solution is about to recover, you should be giving your scalp a time of a maximum of one week. It would be better if you do it for two weeks.
If you do it early, it will remove the skin from skin dead and will thus cause low inflammation in the skin underneath which can be otherwise healthy. In case your skin is not able to wait for the minimum time that it recommends, it won’t be having the ability to secure the skin from any toxic effect happening due to dead skin layers or the natural scalp oils.
If you really want your hair to get permanent coloring, then it is important to do it with permanent hair color once again. But if you think that with the second hair dye, your hair will be completely changed, then you are all wrong! The new color will never lighten or lift up the existing color. This new color is just making an appearance on the older color and will let your hair get darker.
Through the use of high lift permanent color, you can wear off the older color. But the damage which has happened by high peroxide volume on your hair is not that worthwhile! So in short, we will never recommend you to color your hair twice times just to get the hair that you desire to get.
Frequently Asked Question And Answers- FAQs
Question: How long time you can dye your hair after you have dyed it once?
Answer: Well, it would be the best option to wait for a maximum of 5-6 weeks. This time period is sufficient enough in the majority of the cases and will also reduce the chances of facing any sort of hair loss. Some of the exceptions might exist but it would be yet better to simply wander at the warning side and wait for that much longer.
Question: What to do if the hair dye does not get the right color shade?
Answer: If you did not get the required hair color after the dye, then you need to go for the shampoo first. Look for the shampoo that can clean and clarify the hair many times and see if it can pull out the color a bit or not. You should have the pro fix if this solution does not work for you. Just consider your hair safety first.
Question: Why is your hair dye not working permanently?
Answer: Well, there are many reasons which the hair dye is not working accordingly and permanently. It might be because your hair is gray or you might have left the hair color for a longer time. Sometimes washing it out too much sooner is another major reason. Using the wrong hair coloring system can also leave a bad result in which you are not able to achieve the desired hair color!
Question: How can you let your hair absorb extra hair?
Answer: For letting the hair absorb extra hair, you need to wash the color and then leave the hair for at least two minutes. Apply for a deeper moisturizer on your hair. In the cooler weather, you need to rinse the moisturizer. Never wash the hair within 24 hours after you dye the hair. Hair can easily be absorbed by hair for extra color by leaving up the hair all alone for the coming next 24 hours.
Question: Why the hair dye is unable to dye the roots?
Answer: The reason for it is that the tips of the hair due are not taking up the roots. The color of your hair is not matching up with the roots. According to some people, color appears much more over the hair roots. You can mix the rest of the paint and get it placed over the hair roots even more.
Well, we hope that with this detailed guide about
I Dyed my Hair but Nothing Happened, you must have got a lot of information about dying your hair and getting the right coloring without any hard efforts. We have also mentioned a few reasons why you are unable to get the desired hair color. It is common and there is no need to worry about it. Just follow the guidelines we did mention for you above and go for the right hair dye coloring which you always wish for!
Happy coloring!