The Best Male Hair in Local News!
We scoured the country to find the 25 best local news reporters/anchors with the best hair. It was tough work, but after scrolling through hundreds of station websites in every state, we have found our top 25! It is important to note that these are not in any order! So, who do you think deserves the number one spot? Leave your pick in the comment section! We've also included a list of "Fan Favorites!" These are the men in local news who thought they, themselves, should've made the list, or were voted by loyal fans! Either way, make sure you check out our Fan Favorite list!
1. Eric Egan
KUSA, Denver
[Note: Eric's section is best enjoyed while listening to "Rhapsody In Blue."] We don't know much about Eric. We know he likes music, sports, and his career. We know he is an Edward R. Murrow Award-winning journalist. However, We don't need to know much else to understand his greatness. His hair tells us all we need to know! Eric Egan's hair inspired the creation of Photoshop, so that others could (at least in pictures) have hair so perfect. Eric Egan's hair taunts the wind. Eric Egan's hair makes purebred Clydesdales jealous. Legend has it that, Eric Egan's hair is President Obama's top adviser. Perhaps we went too far. Perhaps we haven't gone far enough? Eric Egan's hair once told the Dalai Lama to "calm down." Eric Egan's hair has a trust fund set up for his children that they can't touch until they're 35, because Eric Egan's hair believes in responsibility. Eric Egan's hair invented the word "foodie." Eric Egan's hair regrets nothing -- except the invention of the word "foodie." Our nickname for Eric Egan: Eric Egan's hair thinks you should get to know Eric before you give him a nickname... it's only fair. Twitter: @eegan9news***Want Incredible TV Hair? Find the best deals on incredible hair products by clicking here!***
2. Rob Nelson
WABC, New York
This University of North Carolina alum has a set of hair that would make anyone jealous. Perfectly shaped, cut, and styled -- this veteran weekend morning anchor makes hearing bad news just a little easier to handle. Notice the soft fade from the edges? Of course you did. It's flawless. You can also tell that Nelson has a perfectly shaped head. The hair length remains consistent throughout. He would look just as good bald, but thank the Heavenly Lord he isn't! That would keep us from experiencing the awe-inspiring hair that is Rob Nelson. God Bless you, sir. And your hair. Our nickname for Rob Nelson: "Handsome Nelson" Twitter: @TVRobNelson3. Ron Corning
WFAA, Dallas
I mean, seriously? It's almost disgusting -- if it weren't so hot! Look. At. His. Hair. Now try and pull your eyes back over to the words and read more about how amazing this guy is... First, he was raised in Calais, Maine. I'm pretty sure that's the capital of the United States for homegrown, all-American hunks! I would imagine Ron's personality to be just like his hair -- all business when it needs to be, and then party after the work is finished. That's good hair, people! And no wonder he works in Texas. His hair alone has a bigger personality than most everyone else on TV in Dallas. Ron is basically the guy all men wish they were and all women wish they had. We love his light brown hair with touches of blonde. Clearly, Ron doesn't need to buy Sun In anytime soon. Our nickname for Ron Corning: "Charismatic Corning." Twitter: @roncorning
4. Chase Cain
KNTV, San Francisco
Chase Cain is a local NBC reporter in San Francisco, California. Sure, he may have an Emmy and a Murrow Award, but what really sets him apart is his perfectly combed coif! It's like a wave, isn't it? It kind of hypnotizes you, doesn't it? You don't like when I end my sentences with questions, do you? Sorry. Cain's hair is the definition of "full, voluminous hair." Do they even make combs strong enough for Chase Cain's hair? I doubt it. It would be a futile effort to even try. I bet he styles his hair by holding his head out the window of his car on his way to work. Yep, I'm sure of it. God, what I wouldn't give to be the product in his hair. When reached for comment, Chase answered, "An award for my hair!? Do I get a trophy? Well, this is still the second highest honor of my TV career -- maybe third? Regardless, I know my mom will be super excited. She does take an awful lot of credit for giving me great hair. Thanks, Mom!" Chase even gave us insight on how he gets THAT look, "My kick-a** stylist Chrissy Phelan turned me on to evo's products I like the 'Casual Act Moulding Whip' and 'Cassius Styling Clay' depending on the mood of my hair -- and the weather in San Francisco." Our nickname for Chase Cain: "Wavey Chasey." Twitter: @ChaseCainTV
5. Mike Marza
WSVN, Miami
This Emmy award-winning journalist has done it all: reporting, anchoring, and having great hair! It's a simple cut, but like a simple black dress, it never goes out of style. Mike's hair would be acceptable in the Brady Bunch days or at Miley Cyrus's 2014 New Year's Party. I'm not certain, but I am pretty sure that Will Smith was inspired to write his hit song, "Miami" after seeing Marza's hair zoom by on a bicycle in South Beach. I'm pretty sure. Our only critique is that his luscious locks are covering his ears. Don't worry, Mike. You're on our list for having the best hair in local news, not the most exposed ears in local news. Our nickname for Mike Marza: "Marza! Marza! Marza!" Twitter: @MikeMarza
6. Blaine Tolison
WFTV, Orlando
If you can look away from those piercing brown eyes, you'll find a wispy wonderland of perfect TV hair. The way his bangs sway slightly to the right melts the heart of plenty of swooning ladies. It's like his hair is softly calling you toward him with a "come-hither" grin. This Florida native and Florida State University graduate knows a thing or two about keeping his hair fabulous in humidity. I bet he wakes up looking like this. Lucky. Our nickname for Blaine Tolison: "Beach-hair Blaine" Twitter: @BTolisonWFTV
7. Matt Keller
KGO, San Francisco
Matt Keller has hair that every frat boy envies. He's a California native that brings Southern charm to his hair. While his list of accomplishments is extensive: two Emmy Awards, a Regional Edward R. Murrow Award, and an Associated Press Award -- his hair has accomplished far more! Keller's hair ended the LA riots of the 1990s, discovered "The Heart of The Ocean" after the Titanic sank, and each year, Keller's incredible locks cause the aurora borealis. These are facts. Our nickname for Matt Keller: "Keller With Kindness" Twitter: @MattKellerABC7
8. Jamison Uhler
WFTS, Tampa
Jamison is going for that high-powered, Wall Street stock broker look, and it's working! That hair is preaching, and we are all ears! His hair has been seen on TV in Phoenix, Minneapolis, Tulsa, Orlando and Philadelphia. So are you surprised that these cities have some of the best economies in the country? Here's a big 'thank you' to Jamison's hair for all you do! Our nickname for Jamison Uhler: "YoUh'll Want My Hair" Twitter: @JamisonWFTS
9. Zachary Kiesch
WRC, Washington DC
Zachary Kiesch definitely does NOT put the 'dread' in dreadlocks! His hair looks like it could've soaked up the BP oil spill. They are luscious, long, lavish, and lovely! This Minneapolis native is also pretty darn perfect. He started a non-profit, after school program to teach media training and athletics to inner-city children. I wonder if he lets them use his hair as a climbing rope? I'm sure he does. Our nickname for Zachary Kiesch: "Goldi-Kiesch" Twitter: @ztkiesch
10. Pat Tomasulo
WGN, Chicago
Pat Tomasulo is a sports guy. But you'll never see him with any "helmet hair!" His hair is dark and rich with soul that can change your life. His hair matches his dark features and inviting eyes. We aren't the only one who thinks Pat Tamasulo is a gift sent from heaven. In 2009, he was voted one of the top 5 broadcasters chosen to sit alongside Kelly Ripa! Our only question, why wasn't he number one? Our nickname for Pat Tomasulo: "Ripa-fied" Twitter: @pattomasulo
11. Alex Savidge
KTVU, Oakland
Alex Savidge is a Berkeley Boy, graduating from Berkeley High School before attending the University of Southern California. He has an Emmy. No big deal. And before you start commenting about how you can't see Alex's hair in this picture, consider how incredible this picture is! "Please, no photos!" You know the paparazzi flew all the way from LA to San Francisco to get the money shot... The Savidge Hair! His hair is long, wavy, and kind of like a waterfall -- a waterfall that takes your breath away. You know Alex takes care of his hair, an his hair takes care of the rest. Our nickname for Alex Savidge: "All Star Alex" Twitter: @AlexSavidge
12. Elex Michaelson
KABC, Los Angeles
Elex Michaelson has two things: a genuine, beaming smile and one fantastic flow of locks! No doubt that his hair was directly responsible for his 5 Emmy Awards and 11 nominations. What's silly is that he didn't win all 11 Emmys. I mean, they saw his hair, right? Winner! I don't think Elex would ever have to wear a helmet because that hair is so thick and luscious it is sure to protect his skull from any major impact. Our nickname for Elex Michaleson: "The Elixir" Twitter: @ABC7Elex
13. John Bachman
WSB, Atlanta
Bachman has the definitive Southern, frat boy hair. We're guessing he was president of -- well, everything. Look at that hair! It screams "vote for me." WSB was smart to make him an anchor on their 4pm newscast. If I lived in Atlanta and had a job that kept me from watching the 4pm news -- I'd quit! I imagine that Bachman spends his time in polos and short shorts on yachts. This guy and his hair belong in ads. Our nickname for John Bachman: "Yachtin' Bachman." Twitter: @JohnBachmanWSB
14. Doug Kolk
KTLA, Los Angeles
Ummm.... I can't. Are you kidding me!?
15. Dominic Garcia
KFMB, San Diego
Dominic came to San Diego from Colorado where he anchored and reported. And we're here to report that his hair has anchored itself into our hearts. Like a strong black cup of coffee from the hills of Colombia, Dominic's hair is heavy, deep, rich, and full. Also like a cup of coffee, it is the first thing you want to get your hands on in the morning. Grrrrr! Perhaps most notable is the way his hair moves toward his right (our left). It's like the waves of the Pacific style his hair each morning. Classic, Dominic. Our nickname for Dominic: "Grrrr-cia" Twitter: @DomCBS8
16. John Langeler
KING, Seattle
John Langeler is "
17. Scott Daniels
KLAS, Las Vegas
Scott Daniels is most known as the brother to Jack. Get it? Jack. Daniels. Sorry, we had to.. In other news, this guy has a full set of "Inheritance Hair" (In-hair-itance). Having "Inhairitance" means that your hair is so great strangers come up to you on the street and ask if they can put you in their will. #Inhairitance His hair is the perfect mix of "cool-Arizona-State-University-grad" and "prime-time journalism." If you've ever been to an ASU party, you know that that is a hard combo to pull off. Scott doesn't do Twitter -- which is awesome. He doesn't need "virtual" followers. I'm sure he has a loyal band of "followhairs" in Vegas. #followhairs What did Scott have to say when we told him he had made our coveted list? "Haha. This is awesome! I would like to thank my haircut guy, Curtis Reames. He sold me on Redken 'Texture'. My secret is right there on the shampoo bottle: lather, rinse, repeat. I simply skip the third step. My mom also hates when I don't comb my hair." Our nickname for Scott Daniels: "Combo"
18. Steve Kuzj
KTLA, Los Angeles
It's Steve's one year anniversary at KTLA in Los Angeles! Maybe this is why LA has been experiencing so many earthquakes recently... the earth is applauding in congratulations. When his hair isn't causing earthquakes, it's causing people to achieve their dreams and save the rainforest. His hair, in a word -- inspirational. Doesn't it just make you want to sit down and have a beer with him? Steven... we can call you Steven, right? Well, Steven won an Emmy for "Best On-Air Reporter." That's great and all, but his hair just won our viewership. We just programmed our TiVo to record every KTLA newscast featuring the Kuzj! Steve uses Garnier Fructis and American Crew products. Here's what Steve had to say when he found out about this incredible honor!"Woah! This is an honor! Especially in the follicly competitive TV News biz.
If I have to thank anyone, It would be:
1. My KTLA News Director (Jason Ball) for telling me to grow my hair out. Before I was in L.A., everyone told me to keep it clean cut (á la Brian Williams.)
2. My hair stylist, Vered, owner of Vered's Salon in Hollywood. She used to be one of the lead hair dressers for Playboy magazine's playmates.
3. And lastly, I must thank my grandfather on my mother's side of the family for his good hair and genetics. The men on my father's side of the family are all bald or balding!
Thanks again Get Good Head for the recognition!"
Being one of our younger winners, we are excited to see what the future holds for Steven -- and his hair! Our nickname for Steve(n) Kuzj: "Ku-zie" Twitter: @SteveKuzj
19. Chris Tomer
KDVR, Denver
The only thing more impressive than Chris Tomer's hair may be everything else he's accomplished in his life. He's author of the best selling author book, "Sleeping on the Summits," that he wrote with his friend, Dr. Jon Kedrowski. He has a billion meteorology certifications, does private consulting specializing in mountain weather forecasting, and he visits schools teaching kids how to be as awesome as he is! Isn't it ironic that this mountain man has hair that resembles an actual mountain? I've never been into mountain climbing, but I may start. A great guy with great hair. What more would you want? His twitter? It's below. Our nickname for Chris Tomer: "Golden Tomer" Twitter: @chris_tomer
20. Blake McCoy
KARE, Minneapolis
Now that is some strong and sturdy hair! Black McCoy has been working as a reporter in Minnesota since 2012. He truly is the 'real McCoy' and has the hair to back it up! We were able to reach Blake for comment. When asked about receiving this honor, Blake said, "I’d like to thank the Academy (or whoever decided I should be included on this list) and God… because Hollywood taught me you always have to thank God." Blake went on to disclose that he uses American Crew Forming Cream. Blake explained that it "holds all day without getting stiff and is easy to find when I’m traveling on location." Thanks for the tips, Blake! Our nickname: Blake "Bangin' Hair" McCoy Twitter: @BlakeKare11
21. Rob Schmitt
WNBC, New York
Rob Schmitt isn't happy just reporting. No, Rob Schmitt is a go-getter and also anchors for Channel 4! Rumor has it that he used to chase hurricanes in the Caribbean and chase ladies in Los Angeles -- all with perfect hair. That's not surprising to us. His hair looks like he just stepped off the set of a Hollywood movie. What lady wouldn't want to walk the red carpet alongside that head of hair? Rob's hair style is classic all-American. He's a man's man. A guy's guy. A bro's bro. His hair is crisp, solid, perfectly groomed, and available for your viewing pleasure 5 days a week on NBC 4 New York. So, the next time you're in Manhattan, flip on channel 4 and be blown away. Our nickname for Rob: "Ohhhhh, Schmitt!" Twitter: @Schmitt4NY
22. Nick Emmons
WHDH, Boston
Nick Emmons played back-up quarterback and running back at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. However, his hair has been playing on the starting line-up on TV ever since. Boom! His hair is standing up like a row of linemen ready to pounce! His "man-bangs" are intimidating... in the best possible way. Overall, Nick has a full head of hair that is full and strong. Coupled with that killer smile, Nick's hair definitely looks like it belongs on a quarterback -- dating a model. Our nickname for Nick Emmons: "Ready. Set. Nick!" Twitter: @emmonsnick
23. Liam Martin
WCVB, Boston
L ocks that cause double-takes. I nspiring men to care for their hair. A lways looking TV ready, especially on his "head-y." M ain man with quite a mane, man! When you share a name with Liam Neeson and Liam Hemsworth -- you don't need a nickname! Twitter: @LiamWCVB
24. Jake Hamilton
WFLD, Chicago
Jake Hamilton's hair looks like something right out of Cruel Intentions. We couldn't decide between calling Jake's hair style "Yuppie Goodness" or "Hamilton Hair." Either way, it doesn't get much more perfect than this. Guys, want to see what you should be aiming for? Take a look at the picture of Jake Hamilton. His hair defines perfection. It's thick, healthy, and solidly styled and positioned. I bet even the strongest winds of the Windy City couldn't make Jake's hair move an inch! What kind of product do you use, Jake? This "Hamilton Hair" has won him an Emmy for best on-air talent (at least we believe it was his hair that helped him win). Fortunately, for Chicagoans, he brings fun and exciting entertainment news to viewers every morning on "Good Day Chicago" Our nickname: Jake "Double-Take Hair" Hamilton Twitter: @JakesTakes
25. Alex DiPrato
WSVN, Miami
You're welcome, reader! Could we have brought you more perfect hair to round-out this list? His hair is praising the gods, you guys! Look at how prominent those bangs are. He bangs! He bangs, for sure! His hair says, "don't mess with me, pal. I'm on TV!" And we say, "Yes, sir!" It's so perfect, you want to go rub your hands through it and mess it all up! But will you be able to? Probably not, because Alex tells us that he uses Crew Products to keep his hair looking all sorts of fab! One last thing: do you notice that receding hairline? Nope! There isn't one! Way to go, Alex. Keep it up... the bangs, that is! Our nickname for Alex DiPrato: "Bangerz" Twitter: @AlexDiPrato***Jealous of this all this TV hair? Get some TV hair of your own! Check out these amazing products!***