Steam-based Hair Straightener Explained What is it and How it works

When you appreciate a great hairdo, your styling tool of choice is usually researched thoroughly. After reading all the hair straightener reviews, you may wonder about flat irons with or without steam.

Although adding steam as an option seems like a marketing ploy, it does serve a purpose to protect your hair. Understanding steam-based straighteners means looking at the hair’s anatomy and matching it to the flat iron type.

Your Hair Shaft Explained

Because hair shafts are so narrow, it’s hard to imagine they have a divided structure. In fact, there are two main parts to the human hair.

The outside layer displaying the hair’s color is the cuticle. It’s a smooth structure surrounding the internal medulla. The cuticle acts as an outer skin to the hollow medulla.

This narrow shaft does have some air and moisture, giving the hair a cylindrical shape when viewed under a microscope. When you choose the best hair straightener, it works its heat on the outer cuticle and tries to relax it into a flat shape.

Adding Steam to the Mixture

As you go through some of the latest hair straightener reviews, you will discover how steam-based models try to use the connection between moisture and the hair shaft to create a smart purchase decision in consumers.

As you press the flat iron against your hair, steam emanates across the shafts. It is warm steam to match the iron’s hot plates. Because the heat is a wet type, the hair is supposed to straighten with little damage.

It’s dry heat from curling irons and blow dryers that normally damages hair. The idea that moist heat won’t singe the hair shafts is possible, but styling tools left on too long will always damage hair to some degree.

Ceramic and Hair Bubbling

When you are shopping for the best hair straightener, experts usually suggest ceramic as a main iron material. Some of the recommended ceramic hair straighteners include the Chi original and Onei MK Halo.

Ceramic warms slowly and maintains a uniform temperature throughout the styling session. It’s difficult to damage hair with a ceramic construction, but adding in the steam component creates another reported issue.

Although the moisture is supposed to help the hair relax, it can also boil it. If you leave the steam-based straightener on for too long, the hair is damaged as if it was placed in boiling water.

It kinks and bubbles up as a result. However, this damage is in severe cases. For consumers who are paying attention to their styling, hair damage is easily avoided.

Teflon and Heat Protectant Spray Considerations

If you decide on a steam-based hair straightener, look for a Teflon-coated type. This material keeps the iron clear of any rogue hairs breaking off at the ends.

If you straighten your hair with tiny hairs affixed to the iron, you could create scorched damage.

Hair normally slides off Teflon, allowing the heating to remain uniform without any items cooking on the iron surface. To make your steam-based straightener even safer, use a heat protectant spray on your hair. It takes a moment to spray on, but covers your hair cuticle for strong, straight hair.

The best hair straightener will always be a subjective choice so take your time evaluating each one. From the iron’s material type to steam nozzle size, there are many components to one straightener alone.

Only reading through hair straightener reviews and trying out friends’ products will help you make a strong purchase decision.

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